What is a licensed MA?

What is a licensed MA?

A medical assistant license is commonly referred to as certification in the health-care community. Although not required in most states, certification as a medical assistant is preferred by many employers.

How do I renew my Massachusetts CPA license?

The Massachusetts Board of Public Accountancy has moved to online renewals! The online renewal rollout will commence for the June 30, 2019 renewal cycle through the Division of Professional Licensure e-Place Portal. Click here for instructions on how to create your e-Place Portal account.

What is the difference between a CMA and Ma?

So, which should a new MA choose? The bottom line is that both the Registered Medical Assistant (RMA) and Certified Medical Assistant (CMA) are essentially the same things. The difference is in the certifying organization and exam. If you’re already a medical assistant consider an MA to RN program.

Is CMA and CNA the same thing?

A CNA is often responsible for the routine, personal care of his or her patients. The CMA prepares the patients for the doctor and may administer medications per the physician’s order in the form of intramuscular injections and/or by immunization. CMAs can also assist with in-office surgeries and procedures.

How many PDPs do you need to renew your teaching license in Massachusetts?

30 PDPs
A minimum of 30 PDPs: Of the 30, at least 15 PDPs in content are required. The remaining 15 PDPs may be earned through either “elective” activities that address other educational issues and topics that improve student learning, additional content, or pedagogy.

What is the full form of US CPA?

A certified public accountant (CPA) is a designation provided to licensed accounting professionals. The CPA license is provided by the Board of Accountancy for each state. The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) provides resources on obtaining the license.

Can Ma give injections?

Medical assistants cannot start or disconnect IV’s or administer injections or medication into an IV. These procedures are considered invasive, and therefore, not within the medical assistant’s scope of practice.

What is the Massachusetts licensing and permit portal?

The Commonwealth of Massachusetts is pleased to offer access to many licensing, permitting and certificate services online. With this Portal, the Commonwealth hopes to deliver more efficient, convenient, and interactive e-government services.

Can I check my license status online in Massachusetts?

The Commonwealth of Massachusetts is pleased to offer access to many licensing, permitting and certificate services online. With this Portal, the Commonwealth hopes to deliver more efficient, convenient, and interactive e-government services. You do not need to register to check a license status, or to search for licensees.

What is the Commonwealth of Massachusetts ePlace portal?

Welcome to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts ePLACE Portal The Commonwealth of Massachusetts is pleased to offer online access to many licensing, permitting and certificate services. With ePLACE, the Commonwealth hopes to deliver more efficient, convenient, and interactive e-government services. Options for Licensees and Applicants:

What is the Massachusetts ePlace program?

The Commonwealth of Massachusetts is pleased to offer online access to many licensing, permitting and certificate services. With ePLACE, the Commonwealth hopes to deliver more efficient, convenient, and interactive e-government services.

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