What is an administrative dataset?

What is an administrative dataset?

Administrative data are information collected, used, and stored primarily for administrative (i.e., operational), rather than research, purposes. These data can be an excellent source of information for use in research and impact evaluation.

What is administrative data used for?

Administrative data is the data that organizations collect about their operations. It includes data for routine operations, and is frequently used to assess how well an organization is achieving its intended goals.

What is administrative data in a health record?

Administrative data include enrollment or eligibility information, claims information, and managed care encounters. The claims and encounters may be for hospital and other facility services, professional services, prescription drug services, laboratory services, and so on.

What is administrative data analysis?

Administrative Data Analysis refers to data that is generated by systems which companies use to administer their day-to-day business, hence the name. Typical examples of administrative data include sales data, inventories, web-traffic monitoring and human resource management.

What is the difference between clinical data and administrative data?

Clinical sources can be extractions from electronic health/medical records or clinical personnel performing manual reviews regularly depending on the data collected. Administrative data is based upon claims data which includes diagnosis codes for the hospital or physician visit.

Why is it important to study administrative records?

Administrative records are an important source of history. For example, the British documented every plan, policy, agreement and investigation. These records have helped the historians in researching about the past, policies of the British and the impact of these policies on the people.

Which is an example of administrative data?

Examples of administrative data include educational records, client information from financial institutions, and hospital records of patient visits and health outcomes. Other examples include information held by government agencies, such as tax filings and Medicare claims.

What are the types of the administrative data?

Examples of administrative data

  • Insurance enrollment and claims data (e.g. Medicare, Medicaid, BC/BS)
  • Hospital discharge data (billing data)
  • Pharmaceutical claims data (billing data)
  • National health surveys.
  • Surveillance data.
  • Medical record data.
  • Vital statistics.
  • Census data.

What does HL7 stand for?

Health Level Seven International
HL7 (Health Level Seven International) is a set of standards, formats and definitions for exchanging and developing electronic health records (EHRs).

What type of data is used in healthcare?

Three major types of data are used by public and private entities to market healthcare products and services: health survey data, information about general consumption patterns, and administrative data generated by the healthcare delivery system.

What are the example of administrative record?

Administrative records are common to most organizations. Examples include routine correspondence or interoffice communications; records relating to human resources, equipment and supplies, and facilities; reference materials, routine activity reports, work assignments, appointment books, and telephone logs.

What is the difference between administrative data and survey data?

Administrative records have richer demographic information about the individual and detailed data on social and health contributions. On the other hand, survey data is more limited, including only the number of employees and the wages and salary fund of the surveyed enterprise.

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