What is an oncogene in cancer?

What is an oncogene in cancer?

A gene that is a mutated (changed) form of a gene involved in normal cell growth. Oncogenes may cause the growth of cancer cells. Mutations in genes that become oncogenes can be inherited or caused by being exposed to substances in the environment that cause cancer.

What is the impact factor of oncogene?

Oncogene/Impact Factor

How does an oncogene work?

An oncogene is a mutated gene that contributes to the development of a cancer. In their normal, unmutated state, onocgenes are called proto-oncogenes, and they play roles in the regulation of cell division. Some oncogenes work like putting your foot down on the accelerator of a car, pushing a cell to divide.

What happens when an oncogene mutates?

When a proto-oncogene mutates (changes) or there are too many copies of it, it becomes a “bad” gene that can become permanently turned on or activated when it is not supposed to be. When this happens, the cell grows out of control, which can lead to cancer. This bad gene is called an oncogene.

What is eLife journal?

eLife is a selective, not for profit peer-reviewed open access scientific journal for the biomedical and life sciences. It was established at the end of 2012 by the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Max Planck Society, and Wellcome Trust, following a workshop held in 2010 at the Janelia Farm Research Campus.

Where is the oncogene found?

Oncogenes arising in members of the RAS gene family are found in 20 percent of all human cancers, including lung, colon, and pancreatic. In humans, proto-oncogenes can be transformed into oncogenes in three ways, all of which result in a loss of or reduction in cell regulation.

Why publish in oncogene?

Publishing the latest research on the cellular and molecular biology of cancer including resistance to cancer therapies, and the development of better approaches to improving survival. Oncogene is a Transformative Journal; authors can publish using the traditional publishing route OR via immediate gold Open Access.

What are oncogenes and cancer?

Oncogenes and Cancer. Apart from the initial clone and subclones, tumors can also contain progenitor cancer cells, all of which constitute a spectrum of cells with different genetic alterations and states of differentiation. These populations can differ in sensitivity to chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and other treatments,…

What are some of the best books on oncogenesis?

Oncogene 1987 ;2: 3 – 7 41. Adams JM, Cory S. The Bcl-2 apoptotic switch in cancer development and therapy. Oncogene 2007 ;26: 1324 – 1337 42. Bishop JM. Molecular themes in oncogenesis. Cell 1991 ;44: 235 – 248 43. Rodenhuis S. ras And human tumors. Semin Cancer Biol 1992 ;3: 241 – 247 44.

Is a microRNA gene a tumor suppressor or oncogene?

A microRNA gene can be a tumor suppressor if in a given cell type its critical target is an oncogene, and it can be an oncogene if in a different cell type its target is a tumor-suppressor gene.

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