What is art according to hermeneutics?

What is art according to hermeneutics?

Within the new discipline of aesthetics, the work of art is defined through what Gadamer calls “aesthetic differentiation.” This term refers to the process of abstraction in which the work of art is stripped from its social and historical context so that it can be treated as a self-contained aesthetic object.

What does Gadamer mean by play?

Central to Gadamer’s (1960/1989) notion of play is the back and forth-ness, the “to and fro motion” (p. 104), where “what character- izes this movement back and forth is that nei- ther pole of the movement represents the goal in which it would come to rest” (Gadamer, 1986, p. 22).

What is the contribution of Hans-Georg Gadamer?

Hans-Georg Gadamer was a leading Continental philosopher of the twentieth century. His importance lies in his development of hermeneutic philosophy. Hermeneutics, “the art of interpretation,” originated in biblical and legal fields and was later extended to all texts.

What Gadamerian hermeneutics?

Gadamer thus develops a philosophical hermeneutics that provides an account of the proper ground for understanding, while nevertheless rejecting the attempt, whether in relation to the Geisteswissenschaften or elsewhere, to found understanding on any method or set of rules.

Why hermeneutics is an art?

Traditionally understood as the art of interpretation (ars hermeneutica) that provided rules for the interpretation of sacred texts, hermeneutics today serves to characterize a broad current in contemporary continental philosophy that deals with the issues of interpretation and stresses the historical and linguistic …

Why is hermeneutic phenomenology important to our society?

Hermeneutic phenomenology is a qualitative research methodology that arose out of and remains closely tied to phenomenological philosophy, a strand of continental philosophy. The purpose of hermeneutic phenomenological research is to bring to light and reflect upon the lived meaning of this basic experience.

What is hermeneutics?

Hermeneutics is the art of understanding and of making oneself understood. Understanding may be guided by analytical principles, but it cannot be reduced to them. Understanding requires art rather than rule-governed science.

What is hermeneutics P1?

p. 1 1. What is hermeneutics? ‘What is hermeneutics?’ begins with the simple answer that hermeneutics means interpretation. But how and why do we interpret? Hermeneutics is the art of understanding and of making oneself understood. Understanding may be guided by analytical principles, but it cannot be reduced to them.

What can we learn from Gadamer’s hermeneutics?

In Gadamer’s philosophical hermeneutics, the treatment of the experience of art is expansive, but a synopsis of his definitive formulation from Truth and Method is instructive.

What are the four strands of hermeneutics?

Hermeneutics, in general terms, is the art of interpretation. As such, hermeneutics has a rich history and can now be identified with four major strands: conservative, critical, radical, and moderate. Out of these strands, the moderate hermeneutics of Hans-Georg Gadamer has proven to be the most relevant to educational thought.


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