What is CRM Web UI?

What is CRM Web UI?

CRM WebClient UI is a web based application for the modules covered in SAP CRM. This framework has evolved over the period of time as successor of different user interfaces provided by SAP for the SAP CRM.

How do I create a view in SAP UI in CRM?

Steps to Create Tree View in SAP CRM Web UI:

  1. Create Table view with the required fields.
  2. Change Super class of the Context Node to CL_BSP_WD_CONTEXT_NODE_TREE.
  3. Add coding in.
  4. Do the necessary configuration to add the fields from Available Fields to Displayed Fields.

How do I create a button in SAP CRM Web UI?

Creating the new button involves the following four steps:

  1. Enhance the component and view.
  2. Create a method to create the button.
  3. Call the new method from the do_prepare_output.
  4. Implement the event to be triggered when the button is clicked.
  5. Enhancing the component and view.
  6. Creating the method to create the button.

How do I create a popup in SAP CRM Web UI?

Open the component and then view where the pop up is to be raised. You must be raising the popup on some event… 2) method that creates pop up and opens it. 3) method to handle yes / no button clicks on the pop up where we can define if yes button is clicked the what is the action to be taken .

How do I open a CRM Web UI file?

Use Transaction code: BSP_WD_CMPWB and enter the name in the Component field and click Execute. When you click Execute, you will see the login screen of CRM WebClient UI. Enter the user name and password to login.

What is aet in SAP CRM?

In SAP CRM 7.0, a new WEB UI based development tool has been introduced by SAP called the Application Enhancement Tool (AET) for creation of fields for. business objects. This tool is integrated with the UI Configuration Tool. It is an enhanced version of the older EEWB (Easy Enhancement Workbench) tool.

How do I open a CRM file in SAP?

How do I create AET table in SAP CRM?

Doing AET Table extension:

  1. Start the WEB UI and navigate to the overview page on which you want your custom Z component based view as a new “Assignment Block”.
  2. Use the “Configure” button and choose the Header View from the views grayed out on Overview page .
  3. Simply use ADD TABLE button and follow the wizard.

How do I add a field in SAP CRM Web UI?

Login to the Web UI and select any Account and click on the configure icon highlighted below. Now double click on the view to access the configuration of the view. Then click on the highlighted button “Create New field”.

How do you enhance a standard component in SAP CRM?

Open the UI Component which needs to be enhanced, use BSP_WD_CMPWB to check whether the Enhancement Set which has been just created exists by clicking on the F4 help. Step 5. Open the Standard UI Component and click on the “Enhance Component” Tab and provide the Enhancement Set information.

How do I find an enhancement set in SAP CRM?

Step 3: Assign SAP CRM Enhancement Set to SAP Client

  1. Step 3: Assign SAP CRM Enhancement Set to SAP Client.
  2. Open the UI Component which needs to be enhanced, use BSP_WD_CMPWB to check whether the Enhancement Set which has been just created exists by clicking on the F4 help.

How many clients are recommended for SAP CRM Web UI development?

Members of development, solution management and quality management teams may use this document as guidelines or checklists for SAP CRM Web UI Development. It is recommended to have a single client for an SAP CRM system unless the business justifies use of multiple clients in situations like ‘Multiple CRM Scenario’.

What is application links in SAP CRM Web UI?

Navigation Bar in SAP CRM Web UI Application links can be configured at two levels. Using first level application links user can access the search, create and report links of a particular application.

What is the SAP CRM user interface framework?

This framework has evolved over the period of time as successor of different user interfaces provided by SAP for the SAP CRM. It is a business role based application: This means that through this interface the user will be able to access only those applications for which he/she is having authorizations.

What is the structure of the CRM Web UI?

Irrespective of the role selected the screens of the CRM Web UI are structured in L-Shape. But the applications and functionalities which user will be able to access in the CRM Web UI depends up on the role selected. Once logged in, user can see the Web UI screens in L-Shape. It consists of following components:

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