What is diastema?

What is diastema?

What is diastema? Diastema refers to a gap or space between the teeth. These spaces can form anywhere in the mouth, but are sometimes noticeable between the two upper front teeth. This condition affects both adults and children. In children, gaps may disappear once their permanent teeth grow in.

What is midline diastema and what causes it?

Midline diastema, which appears as a gap between the two upper front teeth, is the most common. Gaps can also develop between any teeth in the mouth, not just the upper front teeth.

What is didiastema and what causes it?

Diastema refers to a gap or space between the teeth. These spaces can form anywhere in the mouth, but are sometimes noticeable between the two upper front teeth. This condition affects both adults and children. In children, gaps may disappear once their permanent teeth grow in.

What causes diastemas in children?

This can lead to diastemas. Children can develop temporary diastemas when their primary teeth, or baby teeth, fall out. When their permanent, or adult, teeth come in, these gaps typically close. This type of gap is common enough that dentists consider it to be a normal developmental phenomenon in children.

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