What is euphonious literature?

What is euphonious literature?

Euphony is a sound device consisting of several words that are pleasing to the ear. The sounds made by these words are meant to be soothing rather than harsh or alarming. Rougher sounds can produce euphony’s opposite: cacophony, which produces a sharp and discordant effect, such as the sound of alarm bells or sirens.

What is an example of a euphony?

An example of euphony is the end of Shakespeare’s famous “Sonnet 18,” which goes “So long as men can breathe, or eyes can see, / So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.” Some additional key details about euphony: The word euphony comes from the Greek word meaning “good sound.”

What is euphonious language?

Euphony refers to the musicality of language. It is beauty on a more fundamental level than imagery, themes, or a moving story. Instead, euphony simply refers to the beautiful sounds of words when they are read aloud.

What is the purpose of euphonious?

Function of Euphony The purpose of using euphony is to bring about peaceful and pleasant feelings in a piece of literary work. The readers enjoy reading such pieces of literature or poems. The long vowels create more melodious effect than short vowels and consonants, making the sounds harmonious and soothing.

Why is euphony used in poetry?

Writers use euphony in order to make their words flow and sound more beautiful together. It is a wonderful device for poets, but also for prose and drama writers. Phrases will become more memorable, more musical, and more appealing.

How do you use euphonious in a sentence?

Euphonious in a Sentence Wind chimes are one of the most euphonious sounds I can think of, and they always make me think of peaceful times. 2. I can’t think of anything less euphonious than the sound of nails scratching on a chalkboard.

What do you call harsh sounding words?

Definition of cacophony 1 : harsh or jarring sound : dissonance sense 2 specifically : harshness in the sound of words or phrases. 2 : an incongruous or chaotic mixture : a striking combination a cacophony of color a cacophony of smells.

Which word best describes an euphony?

noun, plural eu·pho·nies. agreeableness of sound; pleasing effect to the ear, especially a pleasant sounding or harmonious combination or succession of words: the majestic euphony of Milton’s poetry.

What does euphonious voice mean?

adjective. pleasant in sound; agreeable to the ear; characterized by euphony: a sweet, euphonious voice.

What is the meaning of the word euphonious?

Princeton’s WordNet(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: euphonious, euphonous(adj) having a pleasant sound euphonious(adj) (of speech or dialect) pleasing in sound; not harsh or strident

What is the difference between euphonious and cacophonous?

cacophonic, cacophonous- having an unpleasant sound; “as cacophonous as a henyard”- John McCarten 2. euphonious- (of speech or dialect) pleasing in sound; not harsh or strident; “her euphonious Southern speech”

What is an example of euphony in literature?

Examples of Euphony in Literature. In ‘To Autumn’ by John Keats, melodious or euphonious sounds can be heard when his words are read aloud, so, go ahead and read the verse below out loud: Close bosom-friend of the maturing sun; Notice how the words in these four lines roll off your tongue and sound like a melody.

Why is the new word’cultivar’called euphonious?

The new word “cultivar” was promoted as euphonious and that it is free from ambiguity. This example is from Wikipedia and may be reused under a CC BY-SA license. The synchronisation was perfect, thereby enhancing the euphonious appeal. This example is from Wikipedia and may be reused under a CC BY-SA license.

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