The HASP (Hardware Against Software Piracy) dongle enables the functionality of Echoview for licensed purchasers, according to which modules are licensed. If you have purchased Echoview you will be supplied with a USB dongle and a USB installation drive. HASP dongles require the installation of a device driver.

How do I uninstall HASP drivers Windows 10?

Uninstall the Sentinel HASP driver

  1. Open a Command Prompt.
  2. use the ‘cd’ command to navigate to the folder where you’ve installed TNTmips. (look here: c:\Program Files\MicroImages\TNT_[version number]\)
  3. and type the following command: haspdinst –r -kp –purge.

How do I disable driver protection HL HASP in Control Panel?

After that you need to open up a command prompt window by clicking on the start button on your desktop and then typing in “CMD” in the search box. 3) Now use following commands haspdinst.exe –kp –r –fr –purge and hit the enter key for Un- installation. It will remove the installed HASP drivers.

Can I use a HASP device with Windows 10?

Since, you are unable to use the device with Windows 10 and as the HASP device was working fine with Windows 7, I suggest you to get in touch with the HASP device manufacturer and get the latest and compatible drivers for Windows 10. Hope it helps. Was this reply helpful? Sorry this didn’t help.

How do I set up the HASP RUS program?

Double-Click on the file HASPUserSetup.exe, and follow the steps in the setup wizard. Pre XP-Service pack 2 Hardlock Key Driver (older drivers/Parallel Keys/ self-installing) The HASP RUS (Remote Update Service) program is used to exchange hardware key data for software licence management.

Is there any information about HASP runtime we are using?

Information about the HASP runtime we are using: Thank you for reporting the concern. From the mentioned details, it appears that the license manager being used is quite old version. It is recommended to up keep the run-time drivers upgraded for using it with the new platforms.

What is HASP Nr 34686?

The HASP Nr is 34686 , the date is approximately 2004, HASP device sent by Archibel (for Radar 9.1, Homeopathic program). So far I have installed HASP inst.exe (Sentinel, ldk runtime cmd line …) and HASP 5.12 servicepack1.exe.

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