What is IC 7404 or IC 74LS04?
IC 7404 or IC 74LS04 is a logic gate IC. It consists of six NOT Gates. We know that the NOT gate also called inverters because of it does the complements of the input. When we apply 0 or low signal to the input it gives 1 or high signal in output.
What is a sc4215 positive voltage regulator?
The SC4215 is a high performance positive voltage regulator designed for use in applications requiring very low Input voltage and very low dropout voltage at up to 2 amperes.
How much current can IC 74LS04 deliver when output is high?
The IC will consider a signal as high when the voltage of the signal is above 2V 3. The IC will consider a signal as low when the voltage of the signal is below 0.8V 4. The operating temperature of the IC should be below the 70-degree centigrade 1. IC 74LS04 can deliver -0.4 mA current when the output is high.
What is ICIC 7404 used for?
IC 7404 is mostly used for digital electronics projects. 2. They are also used in some electronic devices. 3.
What is pin 14 of IC 7404?
Pin 14: It is the Vcc terminal of the IC, it is used to provide the power supply to the IC chip. 1. IC 7404 is mostly used for digital electronics projects. 2. They are also used in some electronic devices. 3. They are also used in Space instruments. Easy way to understand what is logic gate?
How many pins are there in IC 7404?
The IC 7404 consists of fourteen pins each pin are shown below. 1. The power supply should be given to the IC from 4.5V DC to 5.25V DC 2. The IC will consider a signal as high when the voltage of the signal is above 2V
How many mA current does IC 7404 draw?
When the Vcc is 5V and the input signal is 0.4V then the IC draws -1.6 mA current. As I told before that IC 7404 consists six NOT Gates you can also notice in the below figure.