Description. The lexical and value spaces of xsd:NMTOKEN are the set of XML 1.0 name tokens, tokens composed of characters, digits, period, colons, hyphens, and the characters defined by Unicode, such as “combining” or “extender.”

What is the difference between Nmtoken and Nmtokens attribute types?

The value of NMTOKEN follows the same rules as XML name, except with NMTOKEN any of the allowed characters can be the first character. NMTOKENS enables us to specify several NMTOKEN values (separated by whitespace) in a single string. …

What is the description of the attribute type Nmtoken?

An NMTOKEN (name token) is any mixture of Name characters. It cannot contain whitespace (although leading or trailing whitespace will be trimmed/ignored).

What is Idref in XML?

Declaring XML Attributes The IDREF attribute type indicates that the attribute can contain only a value that matches an ID value within the same document.

What is XS NCName?

Synopsis. An xs:NCName is a noncolonized name as defined in “Namespaces in XML” 1.0. This is a legal XML name that does not contain a colon. The value must consist exclusively of letters, digits, ideographs, and the underscore, hyphen, and period.

How define attribute in XML DTD?

In a DTD, attributes are declared with an ATTLIST declaration….Declaring Attributes.

Type Description
IDREF The value is the id of another element
IDREFS The value is a list of other ids
NMTOKEN The value is a valid XML name
NMTOKENS The value is a list of valid XML names

What is the difference between Cdata and Pcdata?

CDATA means the element contains character data that is not supposed to be parsed by a parser. #PCDATA means that the element contains data that IS going to be parsed by a parser. The keyword ANY declares an element with any content. If a #PCDATA section contains elements, these elements must also be declared.

How do I use Idref?

Spring idref element is used to pass the id of a bean to another bean as string. The idref works same as value attribute but when we use idref then there must be a bean with that id which we pass to idref .

What is XS Idref?

Description. The xs:IDREF datatype defines references to the identifiers defined by the ID datatype and, therefore, emulates the IDREF attribute type of the XML DTDs, even though it can be used for simple content elements as well as for attributes.

What is parsed and Unparsed data?

In fact, in unparsed data, individual events have not even necessarily been identified. parsed/cooked data has had each individual event examined and annotated with the keys, plus new fields and key values that may be different in each individual event.

Why PCDATA is used in XML?

PCDATA: (Parsed Character Data): XML parsers are used to parse all the text in an XML document. PCDATA stands for Parsed Character data. In other words you can say that a parsed character data means the XML parser examine the data and ensure that it doesn’t content entity if it contains that will be replaced. …

Why NMTOKEN and nmtokens exist in XML Schema?

NMTOKEN and NMTOKENS exist in XML Schema only for compatibility with DTDs, the predecessor of XML Schema, which had those as attributes types. DTD has few other types so those don’t stand out as redundant there.

What is NMTOKEN type in Java?

The value of NMTOKEN follows the same rules as XML name, except with NMTOKEN any of the allowed characters can be the first character. Unlike XML string type, NMTOKEN values can’t contain any whitespace. Still I fail to see its usefulness. So when and why would we use NMTOKEN type instead of a string type?

What does XSD NMTOKEN mean?

The type xsd:NMTOKEN represents a single string token. xsd:NMTOKEN values may consist of letters, digits, periods (. ), hyphens ( – ), underscores ( _ ), and colons (: ). They may start with any of these characters. xsd:NMTOKEN has a whiteSpace facet value of collapse, so any leading or trailing whitespace will be removed.

What is NMTOKEN in DTD?

DTD Attribute Types – NMTOKEN. An NMTOKEN (name token) is any mixture of Name characters. It cannot contain whitespace (although leading or trailing whitespace will be trimmed/ignored).

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