What is propriety and Behaviour?

What is propriety and Behaviour?

English Language Learners Definition of propriety : behavior that is accepted as socially or morally correct and proper. : the state or quality of being correct and proper. : rules of correct social behavior.

How can practitioners take steps to protect themselves within their everyday practice in the work setting and off site visits?

Off site visits you protect yourself by: Always follow your settings policies and procedures. Carry out a full risk assessment. Think of age/stage of children and where and when and how you are getting to the venue, always have the child’s safety in mind. Get parental/carers consent.

What is working in an open and transparent way?

When people work in open and transparent ways, it means they’re open to new thoughts and ideas, it also means they’re open to finding new ways for their ideas to work; open to new people; open and willing to listen to others without passing judgment on what they’re told and open to communication.

Why it is important to believe a child and avoid Judgements?

It’s necessary to remain non judgemental as it’s our professional responsibility not to discriminate against others, where abuse is suspected or alleged the setting’s policies and procedures are followed to report concerns and protect the privacy of everyone involved.

How do you safeguard yourself as a health and social care practitioner?

A health and social care practitioner can safeguard individuals by making sure that they are in a safe environment away from any abuse or harm. They can also safeguard individuals by making sure that they have a DBS check from the police to see if there is any background history.

What are the policies and procedures for safeguarding?

Safeguarding Policies should:

  • Demonstrate ownership of the safeguarding agenda.
  • Maintain and review a record of concerns.
  • Follow safe recruitment procedures, including DBS checks (by the Disclosure and Barring Service)
  • Maintain safe premises and equipment, inside and out.

What defines safeguarding?

Safeguarding is the action that is taken to promote the welfare of children and protect them from harm. Safeguarding means: protecting children from abuse and maltreatment. preventing harm to children’s health or development. taking action to enable all children and young people to have the best outcomes.

What are your responsibilities when abuse is disclosed?

For a child or young person who discloses that he or she is currently being abused, the immediate priority is safety and protection from further abuse. If you believe an investigation is already taking place, any disclosure of abuse should still be reported to the appropriate authorities.

What are some of the most common signs of 4 different types of abuses?

Signs of mental mistreatment/emotional abuse

  • being emotionally upset or agitated.
  • being extremely withdrawn and non communicative or non responsive.
  • unusual behavior usually attributed to dementia (e.g., sucking, biting, rocking)
  • nervousness around certain people.

How do you deal with safeguarding concerns?

Some problems with a person’s care may be best dealt with by the service itself or a by social worker, for example issues with personal hygiene or access to activities. Other more serious or more urgent concerns are considered safeguarding concerns, also referred to as child protection or adult protection (over 18s).

How does the CBF deal with safeguarding concerns?

All CBF staff and volunteers follow a Child Protection Policy and an Adult Safeguarding Policy (available on request), that require us to refer safeguarding concerns that are not already being investigated. Professionals and paid staff can get confidential advice about child protection concerns from the NSPCC Whistleblowing Advice Line.

How can I make sure my behaviour code is appropriate?

Make sure your behaviour code sets out what is appropriate contact with children and young people – both in person or online. This will help ensure that everyone feels safe, comfortable and protected. Your code should make it clear that whenever possible more than one adult should be present during activities with children and young people.

Can a safeguarding enquiry be made in the best interests?

If they are assessed as lacking capacity for this situation, then a decision should be made in their best interests (although it would be very rare for a safeguarding enquiry to not be in the person’s best interests).

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