What is Qualified Dublin Core?

What is Qualified Dublin Core?

Qualified Dublin Core, also known as DC Terms, is an extension of Simple Dublin Core through the use of additional elements, element refinements, and encoding schemes. Qualified Dublin Core is seen in widely differing implementations, often using locally-defined refinements and encoding schemes.

What is the name of the data standard developed from Dublin Core that allows metadata sharing between natural history collections?

Dublin Core™ Metadata Initiative The work of DCMI is done by contributors from many institutions in many countries. DCMI is organized into Communities and Task Groups to address particular problems and tasks (see the DCMI Work structure page).

Is Dublin Core a schema?

The Dublin Core Metadata Element Set is one of the simplest and most widely used metadata schema. Originally developed to describe web resources, Dublin Core has been used to describe a variety of physical and digital resources. More information can be found on the Dublin Core Metadata Initiative website.

What are the two versions of Dublin Core?

Two forms of Dublin Core exist: Simple Dublin Core and Qualified Dublin Core. Simple Dublin Core expresses elements as attribute-value pairs using just the 15 metadata elements from the Dublin Core Metadata Element Set.

What are the benefits of Dublin Core?

Advantages of the Dublin Core standards[edit]

  • Documents can be more easily classified and read by search engines.
  • The elements are easy to insert into documents.
  • The source code is not affected by Dublin Core elements.

What are the 15 elements of Dublin Core?

The 15 metadata elements used by Dublin Core are: title (the name given the resource), creator (the person or organization responsible for the content), subject (the topic covered), description (a textual outline of the content), publisher (those responsible for making the resource available), contributor (those who …

Why is Dublin Core better?

Qualified Dublin Core increases the specificity of metadata by adding information about encoding schemes, enumerated lists of values, or other processing clues. While enabling searches to be more specific, qualifiers are also more complex and can pose challenges to interoperability.

When did the Dublin Core become a standard?

The Dublin Core became a NISO standards, Z39.85, and IETF RFC 5013 in 2007. ISO 15836 standard in 2009 and is used as a base-level data element set for the description of learning resources in the ISO/IEC 19788-2 Metadata for learning resources (MLR) – Part 2: Dublin Core elements, prepared by the ISO/IEC JTC1 SC36.

What are the core concepts of Dublin?

Dublin Core concepts and semantics are designed to be syntax independent and apply to a variety of contexts, as long as the metadata is in a form suitable for interpretation by both machines and people.

What is type type in Dublin Core?

Type – “The nature or genre of the resource.” Each Dublin Core element is optional and may be repeated. The DCMI has established standard ways to refine elements and encourage the use of encoding and vocabulary schemes. There is no prescribed order in Dublin Core for presenting or using the elements.

What is the Dublin Core™ metadata element set?

This document is an up-to-date, authoritative specification of all metadata terms maintained by the Dublin Core™ Metadata Initiative. Included are the fifteen terms of the Dublin Core™ Metadata Element Set (also known as “the Dublin Core”) plus several dozen properties, classes, datatypes, and vocabulary encoding schemes.

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