What is the Barbados dialect?

What is the Barbados dialect?

Barbados/Official languages
Bajan or Barbadian Creole – English-based creole language with African and British influences spoken on the Caribbean island of Barbados. Around 1,000 people use English as their main language and 286,000 use Bajan as their main language.

How do Barbadians say hello?

Wa gine on A general question often asked when greeting someone. The phrase is even used by local newspapers when enquiring about a particular matter.

How do Barbados people talk?

In Barbados, the official language is English and the majority of residents speak ‘Bajan’ (pronounced as BAY-jun), an English-based creole, heavily influenced by West Africa. However, many Bajans will happily slow down their speech or switch to standard English if visitors to Barbados are struggling to understand them.

What does the Barbadian accent sound like?

Firstly, in the Bajan dialect, the sound of ‘the’ is pronounced as a ‘d’ sound. For example, “that” becomes “dat.” ‘This’ is marked ‘dis,’ ‘the’ is spoken as ‘de,’ and so on….Dialect of Barbados.

Bajan Dialect English Meaning
“Trouble don’ set up like rain.” You cannot always see trouble coming

How do bajans greet each other?

If approaching a Bajan for the first time, a handshake is an appropriate greeting for both sexes. Greetings such as kissing and hugging are normally saved for friends and family.

How many languages are spoken in Barbados?


Country/Territory Population Spoken languages
Barbados 275,330 English, Bajan Creole
Bay Islands, Honduras 49,151 Spanish, English, Creole English, Garifuna
Bermuda 63,503 English, Bermudian Vernacular English, Portuguese
Bonaire 14,230 Papiamento, Dutch, English, Spanish

What does Cawblen mean?

It’s a contraction of an expression from the Middle Ages — “God blind me”. In other dialects (UK-based) it’s “cor/gaw/gor (God) blimey (blind me)”, or simply “blimey”. In Barbados, there are several variations of the same expression; “caw bleh muh”, “caw blen” and I’ve even heard the super-contracted, “cawlen”.

Where does the Barbados accent come from?

About Bajan Dialect Its origin dates back to the times when slaves were brought to Barbados and forced to speak English. This language then became a way of communication among enslaved Africans, much to the disadvantage of their slave masters who had difficulty understanding what was being communicated.

What is a Johnny in Barbados?

johnny – an idiot. Ju-C – (“Juicey”) a soft-drink historically made in Barbados. juck – to poke, stab or push.

What language do they speak in Barbados?

Barbadians speak with an accent best described as a combination of the influences of both African and British languages. Bajans speak in their native dialect using words in a colorful, expressive, fast-paced manner. The Bajan dialect can be a bit tricky to follow at times, especially for visitors to the island.

What accent do Barbadians speak with?

Barbadians speak with an accent best described as a combination of the influences of both African and British languages. Bajans speak in their native dialect using words in a colorful, expressive, fast-paced manner.

What is Bajan dialect?

Bajan Terms & Phrases The word ‘Bajan’ is derived from the word “Barbadian”. However due to stronger accents which once prevailed, the word sounded more like ‘Barbajan’ and eventually was shortened to Bajan. Bajan dialect has an intriguing factor associated with it as new words and expressions are constantly coming alive.

What is the origin of the Barbadian language?

Its origin dates back to the times when slaves were brought to Barbados and forced to speak English. This language then became a way of communication among enslaved Africans, much to the disadvantage of their slave masters who had difficulty understanding what was being communicated.

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