What is the best treatment for a sports hernia?

What is the best treatment for a sports hernia?

A sports hernia usually requires formal treatment other than rest, so it is unlikely that a sports hernia will heal on its own. Physical therapy, anti-inflammatory drugs and/or corticosteroids are often needed to treat a sports hernia. In some cases, surgery is needed.

How do you treat a sports hernia at home?

Natural Remedies For a Sports Hernia

  1. Ice and Heat. Ice is a common method for pain relief but may be especially effective when coping with a sports hernia.
  2. Ginger. One of the most powerful natural anti-inflammatories is ginger.
  3. Massage and Meditation.

Can you tape an inguinal hernia?

Although an abdominal hernia can be reducible, do not try to push or tape your hernia down. Taping or using bandages increases the risk of infection, incarceration, and strangulation. Sometimes hernias will heal on their own, but most will require surgery to fix them permanently.

What types of physical therapy can be used to treat sports hernia?

Physical rehabilitation programs for sports hernias should mainly include core stabilization, strengthening of the hip adductors and abdominal muscles, balancing, and postural training exercises [12,19,21].

Do runners get sports hernia?

Sports hernias are typically caused by repetitive or explosive motions, especially those that require twisting of the pelvis such as football, hockey, soccer, rugby, skiing, running and hurdling.

Can you stretch out a hernia?

Another stretch you can perform to treat a sports hernia is the hip extension exercise. This is a useful stretch to complete within the first two weeks after your injury to the groin area. To do this stretch, you will need to lie down on the floor with your stomach facing downward.

How do you fix a sports hernia without surgery?

Non-surgical treatments are effective in 90% of sports hernias and may include the following treatments:

  1. Rest. Your doctor may recommend halting physical activity for 7 to 10 days to allow the injury to rest and recover.
  2. Ice.
  3. Medicine.
  4. Injections.
  5. Physical therapy.

How do you heal a sports hernia without surgery?

Sports hernia nonsurgical treatment Mild to moderate symptoms can be typically remedied with rest, anti-inflammatory medication, ice and physical therapy. Sports hernia surgical treatment Patients with severe tears may require surgery to address the torn tendons.

How do you treat inner thigh pain from a sports hernia?

Additional surgery. In some cases of sports hernia, pain in the inner thigh continues after surgery. An additional surgery, called adductor tenotomy, may be recommended to address this pain. In this procedure, the tendon that attaches the inner thigh muscles to the pubis is cut.

Can a sports hernia lead to an inguinal hernia?

Over time, a sports hernia may lead to an inguinal hernia, and abdominal organs may press against the weakened soft tissues to form a visible bulge. Without treatment, this injury can result in chronic, disabling pain that prevents you from resuming sports activities.

How are injections used to treat a sports hernia?

There are multiple types of injections used to treat sports hernia, such as steroid injections, nerve blocks administered to the ilioinguinal and iliohypogastric nerves, or platelet rich plasma (PRP) injection. Any one of these options can be used to provide pain relief. See PRP Therapy for Chronic Tendon Injuries

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