What is the color code for T-Mobile?

What is the color code for T-Mobile?

The hexadecimal color code #ea0a8e is a shade of magenta-pink. In the RGB color model #ea0a8e is comprised of 91.76% red, 3.92% green and 55.69% blue. In the HSL color space #ea0a8e has a hue of 325° (degrees), 92% saturation and 48% lightness.

What is the color of T-Mobile logo?

The T-Mobile colors found in the logo are pink and gray. Use this T-Mobile brand color scheme for digital or print projects that need to use specific color values to match their company color palette.

What is T-Mobile magenta color code?

The RGB is 226, 0, 116 and the Hex is E20074….5 replies.

HTML code: #EC0075
RGB code: R: 236 G: 0 B: 117
HSV: 330.25° 100% 92.55%

What color is Pfizer’s logo?

We’ve evolved the historic Pfizer blue to a vibrant, two-tone palette signifying our commitment to both science and patients. In an industry awash in blue, we’re doubling down.

What font does T-Mobile use?

Font. The T-Mobile logo sports a custom typeface created by URW++ for Deutsche Telekom. There are six fonts in the family, all of which are used by the company for varying marketing purposes.

Is T-Mobile pink or purple?

T-Mobile owns the trademark on a specific shade of magenta known as “RAL 4010.” Lemonade is arguing that it’s actually using the color pink, not magenta. In 2008, Deutsche Telekom filed a lawsuit against European wireless provider Telia for its use of magenta in its marketing.

Is T-Mobile magenta or pink?

T-Mobile actually owns the color pink (or magenta) A US federal court has granted T-Mobile the right to its own shade of magenta, reported Time magazine in 2014. Why did T-Mobile choose pink? They didn’t actually choose it, it is from their parent company Deutsche Telekom.

Is Pfizer blue?

Pfizer is dropping the big blue pill for something a bit more… science-y. The pharma giant said Tuesday that it was adopting a new logo to replace the blue, pill-shaped oval that has represented the company since the late 1940s. The new symbol, also in blue, resembles a double helix, the shape of the DNA molecule.

Why is Pfizer blue?

The redesign of 1990 brought a new color palette to the Pfizer visual identity, though the company still used its badge in monochrome, but mostly for official documents. The new palette had a calm blue shade as the main color, and this change made the logo look fresher and lighter.

What does the T-Mobile logo look like?

The overall picture looked like this: a square, “T,” three squares, the word “Mobile,” and another square. It looks like the designers just took and unfurled the Deutsche Telekom emblem because, in the original, it was exactly the opposite: in front of the “T,” there were three quadrangles.

What is T-Mobile’s slogan?

We deliver outstanding wireless experiences. People come first. That’s what makes us the Un-carrier.

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