What is the costochondral joint?

What is the costochondral joint?

The costochondral joint is a connection between a rib and its costal cartilage. On the thoracic wall, it occurs where the bone ends and cartilage begins. The joint is formed by two articular surfaces; the roughened cup-shaped anterior end of the rib and the rounded lateral end of the costal cartilage. Joint capsule and ligaments

What nerves supply the costochondral joints?

The costochondral joints are supplied by branches of the intercostal nerves , which are the anterior rami of the thoracic spinal nerves. Arterial supply to the costochondral joints is by branches of the anterior intercostal arteries.

What is costal arch and interchrondal junction?

Costal arch Costal arch or margin refers to the lower edge of the chest formed by the bottom edge of the rib cage. It is formed by the 7th to the 10th rib costal cartilages to create the costal arch. Interchrondal junctions or articulations are joints between costal cartilage forming the costal arch and the lower ribs.

What is the prevalence of costochondral junction syndrome?

Costochondral junction syndrome takes place most of the time in older children and younger adults. The ailment also occurs much more frequently in women than it does in men. Costochondral junction syndrome may occur by itself and not be connected or associated with any other disease or disorder.

What are the symptoms of costochondral junction?

This is called the costochondral junction. Signs and symptoms of this condition usually develop in people who are under the age of 40. Symptoms include mild to severe chest pain that may extend into the arms and shoulders. The chest, shoulders, and arms may also have redness and warmth.

What is the difference between costochondritis and Tietze syndrome?

DISEASE/DISORDER: Costochondritis is a type of musculoskeletal anterior chest wall syndrome. It is described as an atypical, noncardiac chest pain of the costosternal joints or the costochondral junctions. It is also known as costosternal syndrome or parasternal chondrodynia, but distinct from Tietze syndrome. 1

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