What is the difference between bronchitis and viral bronchitis?

What is the difference between bronchitis and viral bronchitis?

Both can be caused by a virus. Both affect the airways in the lungs, but bronchitis affects the larger airways (the bronchi). Bronchiolitis affects the smaller airways (bronchioles). Bronchitis usually affects older children and adults, while bronchiolitis is more common in younger children.

What is the best medicine for viral bronchitis?

Albuterol is one of the more common bronchodilators prescribed for treating bronchitis. It comes in the from of an inhaler. Steroids: If chronic bronchitis symptoms are stable or slowly getting worse, inhaled steroids, can be used to help minimize bronchial tube inflammation.

What causes viral bronchitis?

The same viruses that cause colds and the flu often cause acute bronchitis. These viruses spread through the air when people cough, or though physical contact (for example, on unwashed hands). Being exposed to tobacco smoke, air pollution, dusts, vapors, and fumes can also cause acute bronchitis.

Is there a viral bronchitis?

Acute bronchitis is usually caused by a viral infection. This is most often the same viruses that cause colds and the flu. It may also be caused by a bacterial infection, or by physical or chemical agents that are breathed in.

Is bronchitis bacteria or viral?

Symptoms and Causes Usually, acute bronchitis is brought on by a viral infection, though it may also be caused by a bacterial infection. The flu and colds are examples of viral infections. Chronic bronchitis is usually, but not always, caused by smoking tobacco.

Is clindamycin good for bronchitis?

It is concluded that clindamycin fails to eradicate Haemophilus influenzae from the sputum of patients with acute exacerbation of chronic bronchitis, irrespective of in vitro sensitivity.

Can clindamycin treat bronchitis?

Twenty-six patients with acute exacerbations of chronic bronchitis requiring admission to hospital were treated with clindamycin 300 mg. or 450 mg. 6-hourly for 10 days to 3 weeks.

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