What is the function of alveolar ridge?

What is the function of alveolar ridge?

1 : the bony ridge or raised thickened border of the upper or lower jaw that contains the sockets of the teeth : alveolar process It is common for many of the teeth to be displaced from the alveolar ridge into the palate.

Where is the alveolar mucosa located?

Alveolar mucosa is the soft, thin mucous membrane that sits above the marginal gingiva and the attached gingiva, and continues across the floor of the mouth, cheeks, and lips.

What are the ridges on top of mouth for?

The hard palate holds the roots of the upper teeth, and the alveolar ridge is an essential part of clear articulation. You can feel this ridge just behind the upper front teeth.

What is the ridge behind your teeth called?

The alveolar ridge (/ælˈviːələr, ˌælviˈoʊlər, ˈælviələr/; also known as the alveolar margin) is one of the two jaw ridges, extensions of the mandible or maxilla, either on the roof of the mouth between the upper teeth and the hard palate or on the bottom of the mouth behind the lower teeth.

What is the function of alveolar process?

The alveolar process is the thick ridge of bone in the jaw that holds the dental alveoli, or tooth sockets. The dental alveoli hold the roots of the teeth in place, and in case of a dental implant, the alveolar process holds implant hardware in place.

What is alveolar gingiva?

[jin-ji´vah, jin´jĭ-vah] (pl. gin´givae) (L.) the part of the oral mucosa covering the tooth-bearing border of the jaw; called also gum. Called also alveolar gingiva. free gingiva the portion that surrounds the tooth and is not directly attached to the tooth surface.

Why is my alveolar ridge swollen?

Injury or trauma One of the most common causes of swelling on the roof of the mouth is an injury or trauma. Some of the most common causes of trauma include: eating a hard food that may impact the roof of the mouth. eating or drinking an extremely hot item.

What is the flap at the top of your mouth called?

A small muscular flap (epiglottis) closes to prevent food and fluids from going down the windpipe (trachea) toward the lungs. The back portion of the roof of the mouth (soft palate) lifts to prevent food and fluids from going up the nose.

Why is it called alveolar process?

The alveolar process, which is also called the alveolar bone, is the thick ridge of bone which contains the tooth sockets. The alveolar bone is located on the jaw bones which hold the teeth. In humans, these bones that contain the teeth are the maxilla and the mandible.

What is an alveolar ridge?

alveolar ridge a bony ridge of the maxilla or mandible, the part of the alveolar process that contains the alveoli; called also alveolar crest. dental ridge any linear elevation on the crown of a tooth.

What is alveolar process?

The alveolar process is a thick bony ridge that largely consists of sockets in which the teeth are embedded. It is also responsible for supporting the tooth roots.

What is an alveolar bone?

What is an alveolar bone in relation to dental health? The alveolar bone is the bone surrounding the root of the tooth, anchoring it in place. The loss of this bone is a possible sign of periodontal (gum) disease. The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center: “Oral Health Glossary.” MedlinePlus: “Dental Health.”

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