What is the meaning of liste?

What is the meaning of liste?

To sneak, creep. To tiptoe, walk softly.

What is the meaning of Horizont?

1a : the line where the earth seems to meet the sky : the apparent junction of earth and sky sailing toward the horizon. b : the great circle on the celestial sphere formed by the intersection of the celestial sphere with a plane tangent to the earth’s surface at an observer’s position — see azimuth illustration.

What is the meaning of stepe?

1 : a movement made by lifting one foot and putting it down in another spot. 2 : a rest or place for the foot in going up or down : stair. 3 : a combination of foot and body movements in a repeated pattern a dance step. 4 : manner of walking a lively step.

What does Degusted mean?

to taste or savor carefully or appreciatively. Also de·gus·tate [dih-guhs-teyt].

What does list mean in the poem?

Explanation: List:Old poetic word for listen refrain:a repeated part of a song or poem ; here the sound of the rain .

What does list mean in a question?

The question then asks you to list your determinations. This makes your answer a lot easier to write, as you can write them in a list format instead of, say, paragraph forms. Essentially the phrase is telling you what to do (identify) and how to answer the question (list).

Is the horizon real?

The true horizon is actually a theoretical line, which can only be observed to any degree of accuracy when it lies along a relatively smooth surface such as that of Earth’s oceans. The resulting intersection of such obstructions with the sky is called the visible horizon.

What is steppe in the Bible?

Another word is arabah, steppe (Genesis 36:24), also translated as desert: “The land that was desolate [midbar] and impassable shall be glad, and the wilderness [arabah] shall rejoice” (Isaiah 35:1).

What does sicken mean?

1 : to become sick. 2 : to become weary or satiated. transitive verb. 1 : to make sick. 2 : to cause revulsion in their prejudice sickens me.

What does im disgusted mean?

Definition of disgusted : feeling or showing disgust : disturbed physically or mentally by something distasteful He’s disgusted by all the attention people give to celebrities. He had a disgusted expression on his face. She was disgusted with the decision.

What is the difference between hetaerism and hetaerism?

Hetaerism. Scholars now use the term “hetaerism” only in reference to the vestiges of group marriage among some ethnic groups. Sacrificial hetaerism refers to certain men’s rights to a woman before she is married. Hospitality hetaerism refers to a guest’s rights to the wife or daughter of the host.

What is hetaerism and adultery?

/hɪˈtaɪ ə r ɪz əm/. By the side of the husband, who is making his life pleasant by hetaerism, stands the neglected wife. In this case hetaerism is carried on less strenuously and adultery on the part of the woman is not so frequent. Consequently the eternal companions of monogamy, hetaerism and adultery, play an almost insignificant role here.

What is sacrificial hetaerism?

Sacrificial hetaerism refers to certain men’s rights to a woman before she is married. Hospitality hetaerism refers to a guest’s rights to the wife or daughter of the host. The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc.

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