What is the means of archive?

What is the means of archive?

1 : a place in which public records or historical materials (such as documents) are preserved an archive of historical manuscripts a film archive also : the material preserved —often used in plural reading through the archives. 2 : a repository or collection especially of information. archive. verb.

What is an archive Oxford dictionary?

/ˈɑːrkaɪv/ (also archives [plural]) a collection of historical documents or records of a government, a family, a place or an organization; the place where these records are stored.

What does it mean to put in archive?

An archive is a collection of older things — documents, books, movies, or something else — that’s meant to preserve them. And it’s always a good idea to keep an archive of important files on your computer. When you put something in an archive, you’re archiving it.

What archive means in Whatsapp?

The archive chat feature allows you to hide an individual or group chat from your chats list to better organize your conversations. Note: Archiving a chat doesn’t delete the chat or back it up to your SD card. You will not receive notifications for archived chats unless you are mentioned or replied to.

What is difference between archive and achieve?

As verbs the difference between archive and achieve is that archive is to put into an archive while achieve is to succeed in something, now especially in academic performance.

What’s archive mean on Instagram?

You can archive a post you have shared on your Instagram profile to hide it from your profile and make it disappear so your followers and other people on Instagram can’t see it. When you Unarchive a post, all its likes and comments are visible back on your profile.

What’s archive mean on messenger?

Archiving a conversation hides it from your inbox until the next time you chat with that person. Deleting a conversation permanently removes the message history from your inbox. Swipe left on the conversation you’d like to archive.

How do I find my archives?

If a message has been archived, you can find it by opening the All Mail label.

  1. On your computer, go to Gmail.
  2. On the left, click More.
  3. Click All Mail.

How long do archived chats stay in WhatsApp?

The new Archived Chats settings mean that any message thread that is archived will now stay in the Archived Chats folder, even if a new message is sent to that thread. Until and unless a user manually chooses to unarchive a conversation, these chats will stay tucked away permanently.

What is the meaning of archive?

Definition of archive. (Entry 1 of 2) 1 : a place in which public records or historical materials (such as documents) are preserved an archive of historical manuscripts a film archive also : the material preserved —often used in plural reading through the archives. 2 : a repository or collection especially of information. archive.

What is the origin of the word archive?

First attested in English in early 17th century, the word archive /ˈɑːrkaɪv/ is derived from the French archives (plural), in turn from Latin archīum or archīvum, which is the romanized form of the Greek ἀρχεῖον (archeion), “public records, town-hall, residence, or office of chief magistrates”, itself from ἀρχή (arkhē), amongst others “magistracy,

What does Archive 1 mean?

1. archives, a place where documents and other materials of public or historical importance are preserved. 2. Usu., archives. the documents and other materials preserved in such a place.

What is the archive function for?

A. Acquisition. In an institution with a records management (RM) program,the archivist monitors the incoming records to insure that all records series arrive on time; periodically reviews the program

  • B. Processing Archives.
  • C. Controlling and Promoting the Use of Archives.
  • D. Service.
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