What is the simple definition of ozone?

What is the simple definition of ozone?

Ozone (O3) is a highly reactive gas composed of three oxygen atoms. It is both a natural and a man-made product that occurs in the Earth’s upper atmosphere. (the stratosphere) and lower atmosphere (the troposphere). Depending on where it is in the atmosphere, ozone affects life on Earth in either good or bad ways.

What is ozone explain for kids?

Ozone is a pale blue gas. It is a form of oxygen. Ozone is a natural part of Earth’s upper atmosphere. This part of the atmosphere, about 15 miles (24 kilometers) above the surface, is called the ozone layer. It protects people by absorbing harmful rays from the sun.

What is the best definition of ozone hole?

Scientific definitions for ozone hole ozone hole. A severe depletion of ozone in a region of the ozone layer, particularly over Antarctica and over the Arctic. The depletion is caused by the destruction of ozone by CFCs and by other compounds, such as carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) and carbon tetrafluoride (CF4).

What is ozone class 10th?

Ozone is a molecule formed by three atoms of oxygen. Oxygen is essential for all life processes whereas ozone is a deadly poison. At the higher levels of the atmosphere, it shields the surface of the earth from ultraviolet radiation of the sun which is highly dangerous to organisms as it can cause skin cancer.

What are examples of ozone?

Ozone is a gas that is pale-blue, unstable and a form of oxygen. An example of ozone is a gas used to purify water. (chemistry) An allotrope of oxygen (symbol O3) having three atoms in the molecule instead of the usual two; it is a blue gas, generated from oxygen by electrical discharge.

What is ozone layer for Class 6?

“The ozone layer is a region in the earth’s stratosphere that contains high concentrations of ozone and protects the earth from the harmful ultraviolet radiations of the sun.”

What is ozone layer Class 7?

Ozone is a layer in the earth’s stratosphere which acts as a shield absorbing ultraviolet radiation from the sun.

What is ozone hole for Class 9?

Ozone holes can be termed as the depletion of the ozone layer which is present in the upper atmosphere i.e. stratosphere at the polar region of earth. The ozone hole doesn’t stop the radiation which is harmful to living things on earth and causes harmful effects such as health problems like skin cancer and eye damages.

What is ozone hole Class 11?

The ozone hole is the depletion of the ozone layer. The ozone layer absorbs the harmful UV rays coming from the sun and therefore does not allow those rays to reach Earth’s surface. Consequences of ozone depletion: Due to its depletion, more radiation enters the Earth’s atmosphere.

What is ozone Class 10 Brainly?

Answer: Ozone layer is the outermost layer of the earth’s atmosphere which is composed of ozone gas which protects the earth from UV rays. It is created when Ultraviolet radiation strikes the stratosphere splitting oxygen molecules to atomic oxygen.

What is ozone layer Class 9?

Quelle est la couche d’ozone?

La couche d’ozone est une couche de la stratosphère terrestre qui se trouve entre 20 et 50 km d’altitude. Elle se caractérise par une concentration en ozone (O 3) proportionnellement plus importante que dans les autres couches de l’ atmosphère, de l’ordre de dix parties par million ( ppm ).

Quelle est la valeur de la couche d’ozone en Arctique?

En 2011, une diminution record de la couche d’ozone a été observée à l’autre pôle, en Arctique, une autre région qui est également affectée par cette problématique. La perte d’ozone y a alors atteint une valeur de 80 % (entre 15 et 20 km d’altitude).

Quelle est la couche d’ozone dans la stratosphère?

Couche d’ozone. La couche d’ozone est une couche de la stratosphère terrestre qui se trouve entre 20 et 50 km d’altitude. Elle se caractérise par une concentration en ozone (O 3) proportionnellement plus importante que dans les autres couches de l’ atmosphère, de l’ordre de dix parties par million…

Quelle est la valeur de la perte d’ozone?

La perte d’ozone y a alors atteint une valeur de 80 % (entre 15 et 20 km d’altitude). Cet appauvrissement aurait été causé par d’importants apports de CFC et d’autres gaz à base de chlore et de brome dans l’ atmosphère, où ils réagissent en dégradant de l’ozone.

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