What is the story of Phedre?

What is the story of Phedre?

Synopsis. The play is set at the royal court in Troezen, on the Peloponnesus coast in Southern Greece. In the absence of her royal husband Thésée, Phèdre ends by declaring her love to Hippolyte, Thésée’s son from a previous marriage.

What is the theme of Phedre?

The major themes of the play include lust (Phaedra’s lust for Hippolytus is the engine that drives the tragedy, and the Chorus expounds on examples of lust throughout history); women (Phaedra may be considered an heir to the tradition of scheming, wicked women in Greek mythology, such as Medea, although she is …

Why doesn’t Hippolytus tell his father the truth about Phaedra?

Misinterpreting this to mean that Hippolytus had raped Phaedra, the enraged Theseus curses his son to death or at least exile, calling on his father Poseidon to enforce the curse. Hippolytus protests his innocence, but cannot tell the whole truth because of the binding oath he previously swore to the nurse.

Does Phaedra take place a day?

The action takes place in a single day in a single location (Troezen) while centering primarily on Phaedra’s forbidden love for her stepson, Hippolytus, and the way she deals with it.

Who wrote Phedre?

Jean Racine
Phèdre, classical tragedy in five acts by Jean Racine, performed and published in 1677.

When did Racine write Phaedra?

The success of Pradon’s work made Racine quite his playwriting. He wrote Phaedra in 1677. He is considered to be one of the most famous French play writers in the time of Classicism.

Why is Phaedra a tragedy?

Phaedra, is a play by philosopher and dramatist Lucius Annaeus Seneca, which tells the story of Phaedra, wife of King Theseus of Athens, and her consuming lust for her stepson, Hippolytus. No doubt, the root cause of Phaedra’s tragedy is that she is a victim of unrequited love.

Why does Aphrodite use Phaedra?

Euripides twice placed this story on the Athenian stage, of which one version survives. According to some sources, Hippolytus had spurned Aphrodite to remain a steadfast and virginal devotee of Artemis, and Aphrodite made Phaedra fall in love with him as a punishment.

Which of the following things was Niobe most proud of?

Niobe was very proud of her large family, mother of seven sons and seven daughters, and upon an occasion, boasted that she had many more children than the goddess Leto, who had two alone, Artemis and Apollo.

When was the Phedre written?

Phèdre, classical tragedy in five acts by Jean Racine, performed and published in 1677.

What kind of tragedy is Phaedra?

Phaedra (Seneca)

Phaedra and Hippolytus, c. 290 AD
Author Lucius Annaeus Seneca
Language Latin
Genre Tragedy
Set in Athens

The success of Pradon’s work made Racine quite his playwriting. He wrote Phaedra in 1677. He is considered to be one of the most famous French play writers in the time of Classicism. He died on April 21 st, 1699 in Paris where he was buried.

What is the meaning of the play Phaedre?

“Phèdre” is a tragedy by the dramatic Jean Racine. It is based on ancient sources such as Seneca’s Phaedra and Euripides Hippolytus. The famous work is about love with a woman as the main character. Phèdre is divided into 5 acts.

What is the main idea of Phaedra?

Phaedra, one of Jean Racine’s most famous plays, was first performed in 1677. It tells the story of the incestuous love of the Greek mythological character Phaedra for her husband’s son, Hippolytus. However, this love is not reciprocated, and Phaedra reacts badly, setting off a chain of events which lead to a tragic end.

Why does Racine add Hippolytus to the story?

To the legend as treated by Euripides, Racine added the love of Hippolytus for Aricia, and thus supplied a motive for Phaedra’s jealousy, and at the same time he made the nurse instead of Phaedra the calumniator of his son to Theseus. CHARACTERS THESEUS, son of Aegeus and King of Athens.


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