What is the theme of Mallam Sile?

What is the theme of Mallam Sile?

Themes. Man Vs. Society – Sile faces trouble everyday working in his Tea shop. He is criticized by little kids & by his own customers, but he still stays confident and keeps his shop running.

What are the major character traits of Mallam Sile?

In the short story Mallam Sile, the protagonist with the same name owns a tea shop on Zongo Street where many young children steal and harass him. He’s a pushover, not known to be the most physically appealing character. Because of this trait, people in the village exhibit a sharp disliking towards him.

How does Mallam Sile feel about his appearance?

Mallam Sile wasn’t well respected in his village because he had 1 physical abnormalities and was a 2 foreigner who 3 didn’t stand up for himself. How does he feel about himself? He feels comfortable with his appearance and proud of his hard work.

How does the characterization of Mallam Sile differ from that of Abeeba?

Mallam Sile: A man nicknamed “pygmy” selling beverages on Zongo Street. Abeeba: A woman Sile claims is his wife. She is kind to customers and made fun of for being overweight. She is nicknamed man-checker for beating up Samadu.

What message does the author of Mallam Sile send?

What message does the author of Mallam Sile send? How does Sile attribute to Allah’s mercy and goodness? By not questioning why all the people are being so nice and just being grateful that it happened.

What is the theme or underlying message of the story?

The theme in a story is its underlying message, or ‘big idea. ‘ In other words, what critical belief about life is the author trying to convey in the writing of a novel, play, short story or poem? This belief, or idea, transcends cultural barriers. It is usually universal in nature.

Why did Mallam not care that he was being robbed?

Why did Mallam Sile not care that he was being robbed? Because he felt bad for the rascals.

Why did Abeeba and Samadu fight?

Summary. The summary in my part is that Abeeba is very angry with Samadu’s because he did not pay her back. Abeeba felt as though she had to defend Sile so she beat him up. While they were fighting the girls were yelling and the guys came to break them up.

Where did Mallam Sile sell?

What does Mallam Sile sell and where does he sell it? He sells tea in Ghana. Why does Sile forgive and disregard people stealing from him?

What does Mallam Sile sell and where does he sell it?

What does Mallam Sile sell and where does he sell it? He sells tea in Ghana.

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