What is VISN 7?

What is VISN 7?

As members of the largest integrated health care delivery system in America and the fourth largest network in the Veterans Health Administration, VA Southeast Network (VISN 7) is committed to ensuring Veterans receive highly integrated and coordinated care and support services.

Who is the VA southeast Network (VISN 7) network director?

Dr. Maureen McCarthy, MD, was appointed the Acting Network Director for the VA Southeast Network (VISN 7) May 22, 2021. She was appointed the Chief Medical Officer for VISN 7 in August 2020.

What support is available to veterans enrolled for care in VISN 8?

Clinical staff provide 24/7 virtual care and support, including nurse advice and triage. This service is available at no cost to Veterans enrolled for care in VISN 8. Click here for more information about COVID-19.

Who is the Chief Medical Officer for VISN 7?

Dr. Maureen McCarthy, MD, was appointed the Chief Medical Officer for VISN 7 in August 2020. As the Chief Medical Officer for VISN 7, she serves as special advisor to the Network Director for clinical oversight, compliance and quality of care.


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