What jobs are tattoos acceptable?

What jobs are tattoos acceptable?

Career Options That Allow Tattoos

  • Beauty Industry Careers. If you decided to enroll in the beauty and cosmetics industry, your tattoos can be a great plus for you.
  • IT Jobs.
  • Artistic Career Field.
  • Marketing.
  • The Entertainment Industry.
  • Home and Industrial Construction.
  • Food Service.
  • Commercial Drivers.

What companies allow tattoos?

Skinfo named both Dunkin and Petco to its list of tattoo-friendly employers. Also among the most tattoo-friendly employers are Google, Ticketmaster, online retailers Amazon and Zappos, and package-delivery powerhouses FedEx and UPS. Also on the list: Applebee’s.

Can professional workers have tattoos?

Currently, United States discrimination laws do not reference tattoos. A visible tattoo or statement piercing may (or may not) have an effect on your employability. Do your research before you get body art so that you don’t unintentionally preclude yourself from the career you want.

Are religious tattoos allowed in the workplace?

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 requires an employer to accommodate an employee’s bona fide religious beliefs. This could, conceivably, include an employee’s tattoo representing these beliefs. “Religion” includes all aspects of religious practice, observation and belief.

What jobs will not hire with tattoos?

Here’s a short list of some of the most common employers that either don’t allow tattoos or ask you to cover them up at work:

  • Healthcare Professionals.
  • Police Officers and Law Enforcement.
  • Law Firms.
  • Administrative Assistants and Receptionists.
  • Financial Institutions and Banks.
  • Teachers.
  • Hotels / Resorts.
  • Government.

What job does not allow tattoos?

Careers and No Visible Tattoos

  • Healthcare Professionals. Many hospitals and medical offices require some piercings and tattoos be removed or covered.
  • Police Officers and Law Enforcement.
  • Law Firms.
  • Administrative Assistants and Receptionists.
  • Financial Institutions and Banks.
  • Teachers.
  • Hotels / Resorts.
  • Government.

Can you be denied employment for tattoos?

There are no current laws that prohibit employers from discriminating against people with visible tattoos.

Is tattoo restricted in government jobs?

While tattoo is allowed in some government job but in many job it is prohibited. Tattoo is prohibited in jobs like IAS, IPS, IRS, IFS, Indian Defence Services, Army, Navy and Air Force etc. Tattoo is allowed in some government jobs like Clerk and Probationary Officer in Banks, Engineering Services, PWD department etc.

Should tattoos be allowed in the workplace?

Society is becoming far more accepting of tattoos and piercings. Many jobs allow tattoos, piercings, and brightly-colored hair. Individuality is becoming more accepted in the workplace. Even in jobs where people used to have no option but to their hide tattoos, things are changing.

What are the most tattoo-friendly jobs?

Also among the most tattoo-friendly employers are Google, Ticketmaster, online retailers Amazon and Zappos, and package-delivery powerhouses FedEx and UPS. Also on the list: Applebee’s. Restaurants are generally quite friendly about tattoos, said celebrity chef, bestselling author and tattoo aficionado Ariane Resnick.

Which companies allow tattoos at their stores?

Among the others: Whole Foods, Sally’s Beauty Supply, Trader Joe’s, Burlington Coat Factory, Ikea, Forever 21, Staples, Best Buy, Anthropologie, Half Price Books, Home Depot and Lowe’s. Some tattoo-friendly employers have enacted policies that broadly allow body art but put limits on content that may be offensive or provocative for customers.

What are the issues raised by tattoos at work?

Issues raised by tattoos can get more complicated when it comes to gender and religion. And employers should be aware of these issues before writing and enforcing policies that prohibit visible tattoos at work. For example, historically, it is likely that more men wore visible tattoos than women.

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