What runes are good for Mordekaiser?

What runes are good for Mordekaiser?

The best Mordekaiser runes for Top Lane are Precision as the Primary and Domination as a Secondary.

Is Mordekaiser still good?

Even though Mordekaiser is rarely seen in professional play, he is still a popular pick to dominate the solo queue ladder. At even the highest ranks, Mordekaiser is fielding solid win rates and allowing players to play a real juggernaut style in both the top lane and jungle.

Is Mordekaiser good top?

Mordekaiser is one of the forgotten top laners in League of Legends that can still carry games if left uncontrolled in solo queue. He has plenty of tools to deal with bruisers, tanks, or ranged champions, making him a flexible pick in the top lane.

Who is Mordekaiser strong against?

Mordekaiser Counter Pick The strongest counter would be Kennen, a moderately diffcult to play champion who currently has a Win Rate of 50.27% (Average) and Play Rate of 1.46% (High). League of Legends most often picked champions vs Mordekaiser, this is often heavily influenced by champion popularity.

Is morde a good Jungler?

Mordekaiser can be a phenomenal jungler if you understand how to make it work. Mordekaiser’s pathing is pretty standard.

Why is Mordekaiser so good?

How good is Mordekaiser late game?

Mordekaiser’s late game is decent, not bad and not that good either. He’s mostly a mid game champion but come late game he can build tank and ult vital carries making him useful. He also has respectable damage with his passive % max health damage and liandrys. His early is a little stronger than you but you hard outscale him.

How do you get adaptive force on Mordekaiser?

Conqueror Damaging an enemy champion gets you 2 stacks of adaptive force (you gain AP or AD depending on your build) and at 10 stacks, heal for 15% of all damage dealt. Damaging an enemy champion refreshes the stacks. Mordekaiser makes use of this rune pretty well as it gives him extra sustain on all his abilities and auto attacks.

How do you deal with Mordekaiser as gangplank?

Gangplank can eat an orange to remove mordekaiser ult. his early game poke with Q will also be annoying for morde as morde can no longer heal from minion. Early on morde does not have the sustained damage to beat olaf and he has so much sustained healing in lane more than you.

What does darkness rise do Mordekaiser?

Darkness Rise Mordekaiser’s basic attacks deal bonus magic damage. After three spells or attacks against a champion, Darkness Rise deals damage to nearby enemies and gives movement speed until Mordekaiser is out of combat. This is the ability where most of morde’s sustained damage comes from.

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