What should I include in a teaching portfolio?

What should I include in a teaching portfolio?

Your portfolio would likely include a summary of your teaching experience and responsibilities, a reflective statement of your teaching philosophy and goals, a brief discussion of your teaching methods and strategies, as well as activities undertaken to improve teaching, and a statement of goals and plans for the …

How do I write a teaching portfolio?

Components of a Teaching Portfolio

  1. A list of courses taught and/or TAed, with enrollments and a description of your responsibilities.
  2. Number of advisees, graduate and undergraduate.
  3. Syllabi.
  4. Course descriptions with details of content, objectives, methods, and procedures for evaluating student learning.
  5. Reading lists.

What are the types of teaching portfolio?

There are two different types of portfolios, reflecting differences in their purpose and audience: a working portfolio and a showcase portfolio. A working portfolio contains items that show how a teacher has pro- gressed toward meeting a particular goal.

What should be in an online teaching portfolio?

Your website might include an “About the Teacher” page, pages for each of the courses you teach, and a “Classroom Happenings” page that provides a glimpse into your learning environment. You can also showcase examples of a lesson or unit plans, projects, or student work.

What is a professional teaching portfolio?

A teaching portfolio is a collection of artifacts, such as student learning data, reflections of thinking, and professional development experiences, which provide evidence of a person’s teaching accomplishments.

What is a teaching portfolio PDF?

A teaching portfolio is a structured collection of artefacts or documents that will change over time as. you extend your practice, evaluate your teaching, reflect, and act on the results of evaluations, and. design different and more effective approaches to your teaching.

What is a student teacher portfolio?

You’ll use your student teaching portfolio when you apply for a job, ask for a promotion, apply for a grant, and for other situations. It’s evidence of your teaching abilities, documenting the kind of teacher that you are, and the types of lessons and activities that you plan.

What steps are involve in creating a digital teacher portfolio?

Create a Teaching Portfolio in Five Steps

  • Gather potential items (artifacts) for the portfolio.
  • Select artifacts that showcase your teaching.
  • Polish and prepare the artifacts.
  • Arrange and organize portfolio contents.
  • Edit to create a professional appearance.

How to create a teaching portfolio?

Gather potential items (artifacts) for the portfolio.

  • Select artifacts that showcase your teaching.
  • Polish and prepare the artifacts.
  • Arrange and organize portfolio contents.
  • Edit to create a professional appearance.
  • What is a teacher portfolio?

    A teaching portfolio is an important tool for a teacher to have in the education field. A teacher can outline his or her accomplishments within their portfolio in order to gain a higher-level position in the work force. Most portfolios include a range of evidence from different sources to back up the teacher’s work ethic.

    What is educational portfolio?

    An educational portfolio is a compilation of your academic work, often focused on your overall concentration of study. A portfolio is a great way to highlight your studies and the events or activities that you are most proud of.

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