What should I write for likes and dislikes?

What should I write for likes and dislikes?

Vocabulary for expressing likes and dislikes:

  1. I adore. Example: I adore Madonna’s music.
  2. I like. Example: I like chicken kebabs.
  3. I love. Example: I love your drawing.
  4. I am keen on. Example: I am keen on martial arts.
  5. I am crazy/mad about. Example: I am crazy about you.
  6. I prefer.

How do you express likes and dislikes in English?

To talk about your likes and dislikes, you can use these expressions….Expressing likes and dislikes

  1. I like…
  2. I love…
  3. I adore…
  4. I ‘m crazy about…
  5. I’m mad about…
  6. I enjoy…
  7. I’m keen on…

What are your likes and dislikes questions?

Conversation Questions about Likes and Dislikes

  • What kind of movies do you like?
  • Do you like going to the beach?
  • What’s your favorite thing to do?
  • Do you love going out?
  • What kind of music do you like?
  • Do you like to watch TV?
  • What type of food do you like to eat?
  • Do you like watching cartoons?

How do you introduce likes and dislikes?

Lesson Procedure:

  1. Introduce “I like” and “I don’t like”
  2. Controlled Practice saying “I like ~” and “I don’t like ~”
  3. Play the song “I Don’t Like Cheese” and students fill in their worksheets.
  4. Magazine cut outs.
  5. Play the “Funny Food Likes & Dislikes Game”

What means likes and dislikes?

From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary Englishsomebody’s likes and dislikessomebody’s likes and dislikesLIKE somebody OR somethingthe things that someone likes and does not like We all have our own likes and dislikes when it comes to food.

How do I express my like for something?

How to say “I like it and “I don’t like it” in different ways in English

  1. 7 Ways to Say You Like Something in English.
  2. I enjoy it.
  3. I love it.
  4. I am passionate about it.
  5. I am fond of it.
  6. I am a fan of it.
  7. I am interested in it.
  8. I am into it.

How do you introduce your dislikes?

To talk about your likes and dislikes, you can use these expressions….Expressing dislikes:

  1. I don’t like…
  2. I dislike…
  3. I hate…
  4. I abhor…
  5. I can’t bear…
  6. I can’t stand…
  7. I detest…
  8. I loathe…

What are likes and dislikes called?

When dealing with likes and dislikes in Social Media programmatically we generally referred to the term ‘Sentiment’.

What is the meaning of likes and dislikes?

Help your student improve their English conversation with these different phrases to express likes and dislikes. To like/ love + gerund. ‘I love skiing and my boyfriend likes climbing.’ Remember: ‘To like/ love + infinitive’ means that you think that something is a good idea, not that you like it.

What is a good conversation question about likes and dislikes?

Conversation Questions about Likes and Dislikes. These are 20 conversation questions about likes and dislikes in English. What kind of movies do you like? Do you like going to the beach? What’s your favorite thing to do? Do you love going out? What kind of music do you like? Do you like to watch TV? What type of food do you like to eat?

How do you say how much you like or dislike something?

There’s a whole range of English expressions you can use to talk about how much you like or dislike something. “I love eating ice-cream.” “I adore sun-bathing.” “She’s mad about that new boy band.” “He’s crazy about that girl.” “She’s fond of chocolate.” “I like swimming very much.”

What are some examples of dislikes in English?

“I dislike wasting time.” “I don’t like sport at all .” “He can’t stand his boss.” “She can’t bear cooking in a dirty kitchen.” “I hate crowded supermarkets.” “He detests being late.” “She loathes celery.”

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