What were the Incas economic activities?

What were the Incas economic activities?

The Incas based their economic activities on agriculture and livestock. The main products were potatoes, quinoa, corn, goose, tomato, sweet potato and coca leaf.

What type of government did the Incas have?

The Inca Empire was a federalist system which consisted of a central government with the Inca at its head and four quarters, or suyu: Chinchay Suyu (northwest), Antisuyu (northeast), Kuntisuyu (southwest), and Qullasuyu (southeast). The four corners of these quarters met at the center, Cusco.

How did the Inca Empire make money?

The main resources available to the Inca Empire were agricultural land and labor, mines (producing precious and prestigious metals such as gold, silver or copper), and fresh water, abundant everywhere except along the desert coast.

What type of money did the Incas use?

The Incas might not have used money, but they did keep track of numbers. They used a quipu, which was a system using colored strings made of llama wool to record taxes as well as the population of people and animals. They tied knots in the strings to keep track of these numerical figures.

What did the Inca empire trade?

Along with foods, other goods, such as ceramics, cloth and metal goods, as well as meats, wool, skins and feathers, were also traded.

How did the Incas contribute to the economy?

The Incas created the most successful centrally planned economy that contributed to the creation of social wealth in Inca society. The ayllu was at the center of the Inca Empire economic success. Ayllus were composed of families that lived near each other in the same village or settlement.

What are the characteristics of the Inca Empire?

Expansion and consolidation. The Inca Empire was an amalgamation of languages, cultures and peoples. The components of the empire were not all uniformly loyal, nor were the local cultures all fully integrated. The Inca empire as a whole had an economy based on exchange and taxation of luxury goods and labour.

What was the center of the Inca Empire?

The administrative, political and military center of the empire was in the city of Cusco. The Inca civilization arose from the Peruvian highlands sometime in the early 13th century.

Why was the ayllu important to the Inca Empire?

The ayllu was at the center of the Inca Empire economic success. Ayllus were composed of families that lived near each other in the same village or settlement. Ayllus also provided social cohesion as people who were born in one a yllu also married within the ayllu.

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