Where does it snow in Egypt?

Where does it snow in Egypt?

It usually snows on the Sinai mountains, but it almost never snows in the cities of Giza, Cairo, and Alexandria. For example, in December 2013, Cairo received a single overnight snowfall for the first time since 1901.

Does it snow in Egypt 2020?

Snow fell on a mountainous area in Egypt’s Sinai peninsula on Friday, January 10, 2020, in one of the area’s rare winter snowfalls. Snow in the area usually lasts for a day until temperatures go back to the normal average. However, snowfall continued through Saturday.

Does snow fall in Cairo?

Due to Cairo’s low rate of precipitation and typically above-freezing winter temperatures, snow is an exceptionally unusual weather phenomenon for the North African city.

What is the coldest place in Egypt?

Winters are mild and sunny, but nights are cool to cold, ranging from 7/8 °C (45/46 °F) in the central area (see Luxor) to 10/11 °C in the southern area (see Aswan), though the temperature in the coldest nights can approach freezing (0 °C or 32 °F)….Luxor.

Month Average Total
February 10 280
March 10.5 320

Does Egypt ever rain?

Egypt is highly arid country and receives very little annual precipitation. The majority of rain falls along the coast, with the highest amounts of rainfall received in the city of Alexandria; approximately 200 mm of precipitation per year. Alexandria has relatively high humidity, however sea breeze modulates moisture.

What is the warmest it has ever snowed?

The warmest I’ve ever seen snow falling is 40°, but I’ve seen sleet reach the ground with surface temperatures as high as 50°. That’s because sleet falls faster and has less time to melt, and it also has less surface area than a snow flake which insulates it some from the warmer surrounding air.

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