Which are the open educational resources?

Which are the open educational resources?

Open Educational Resources (OER) are teaching, learning and research materials in any medium – digital or otherwise – that reside in the public domain or have been released under an open license that permits no-cost access, use, adaptation and redistribution by others with no or limited restrictions.

How do I access OER?

These databases are a good starting point to find a wide variety of open educational resources.

  1. Open Textbook Library.
  2. OASIS.
  3. Mason OER Metafinder.
  4. OER Commons.
  5. BCCampus.
  6. Teaching Commons.
  7. HathiTrust Digital Library.
  8. Merlot.

How is OER used in education?

OER are digital contents for teaching-learning purpose released under open intellectual property licenses to enable their free use or repurposing. These resources include full courses of academic programs or learning material such as textbooks, lessons, lectures, assessments, and tests [1].

Why are OERs important in education?

Why are OER important? Open educational resources, like open textbooks, can decrease the cost of education because they are either free or low cost. Lower costs will result in students being less dependent on student loans and may even result in higher program completion rates.

Is Khan Academy an open educational resource?

Anyone can learn anything. Please join us today.

Are resources open free?

The tens of thousands of open resources on OER Commons are free – and they will be forever – but building communities to support them, developing new collections, and creating infrastructure to grow the open community isn’t.

Is Khan Academy an OER?

Khan Academy is a large and popular open educational resource (OER) with little empirical study into its impact on student achievement in mathematics when used in schools.

How do you think OERs will benefit you and your students?

Advantages of using OERs include:

  • expanded access to learning.
  • scalability.
  • augmentation of class materials.
  • enhancement of regular course content.
  • quick circulation.
  • showcasing of innovation and talent.
  • ties for alumni.
  • continually improved resources.

What is Unesco OER?

UNESCO is the only UN agency with a dedicated OER programme. The term “Open Education Resource” was first coined in 2002 at a forum organised by UNESCO on Open Courseware in Higher Education.

What is the World Open Educational Resources Congress?

The term open educational resources was created at a UNESCO Forum in 2002. To mark the 10th anniversary of this landmark conference, UNESCO and the Commonwealth of Learning will be organizing the 2012 World OER Congress in June 2012 at UNESCO Headquarters, Paris. 2012 World Open Educational Resources Congress 20-22 June 2012 / UNESCO

What is an open education resource?

The term “Open Education Resource” was first coined in 2002 at a forum organised by UNESCO on Open Courseware in Higher Education. In November 2019, the 40th UNESCO General Conference adopted the UNESCO OER Recommendation which is the only international standard setting framework in this area worldwide.

What is the Paris OER Declaration?

The 1st World OER Congress adopted the 2012 Paris OER Declaration calling on Governments to support the development and use of OERs. This declaration encouraged a commitment to the principle that the products of publicly funded work in support of education should carry open licenses, and supported capacity building,…

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