Which spillway is used in Bhakra Dam?

Which spillway is used in Bhakra Dam?

Bhakra Dam

Bakra Nangal Dam
Width (base) 625 ft (191 m)
Spillway type Controlled, overflow
Creates Gobindsagar Reservoir

Who is known as the architect of Bhakra Dam?

The construction of the multipurpose dam was initially started in 1984 by the then Lieutenant Governor of Punjab, Sir Louis Dane. But, it got delayed and it was resumed after independence under the chief Architect Rai Bahadur Kunwar Sen Gupta.

Is Bhakra Nangal dam built on two river basins?

Bhakra Nangal System The composite Bhakra-Nangal project consists of the Bhakra dam constructed on Satluj River in the State of Himachal Pradesh and Nangal barrage constructed on the same river downstream of Bhakra Dam in the State of Punjab . A distance of around 13 km separates these two projects.

How many gates are there in Bhakra Nangal Dam?

Bhakra dam is straight gravity cum concrete dam having four spillway radial gates with designed spillway capacity of 8212 cumec. The Gobind Sagar reservoir of the dam has gross storage capacity of 9621 Million Cubic Meter (MCM) and effective storage capacity of 7192 MCM.

What is the significance of Bhakra Nangal project?

The most important function of the dam is to provide irrigation. The Bhakra-Nangal Dam can provide irrigation water to over 10 million acres of agricultural land of various states of the country including Rajasthan, Punjab, and Haryana.

When was Bhakra Nangal dam built?

Bhakra Dam/Opened

Where is Tehri dam built?

The Tehri Dam is the tallest dam in India. It is a multi-purpose rock and earth-fill embankment dam on the Bhagirathi River near Tehri in Uttarakhand, India.

What is the Bhakra Nangal Dam?

The Bhakra Nangal dam is one of the most striking features of Punjab located on the river Satluj, it is the most poignant architectural marvels of India that took 15 years to complete after its construction which began in 1948.

What are the features of Bhakra Nangal project?

The Bhakra Nangal project is one of the multipurpose projects being constructed in India for irrigation and power. Major feature of the project is Bhakra Dam, a 680 ft high gravity concrete structure. General design features of Bhakra Dam are described including geology of the dam site, layouts, galleries, outlets and spillway, and foundations.

When was the construction of Bhakra Dam completed?

The construction of dam was completed in 1963. Operation and Maintenance of the Bhakra dam is done by Bhakra Beas Management Board (BBMB). Bhakra dam is straight gravity cum concrete dam having four spillway radial gates with designed spillway capacity of 8212 cumec.

Who is responsible for operation and maintenance of Bhakra Dam?

Operation and Maintenance of the Bhakra dam is done by Bhakra Beas Management Board (BBMB). Bhakra dam is straight gravity cum concrete dam having four spillway radial gates with designed spillway capacity of 8212 cumec.

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