Who is entitled to black lung benefits?

Who is entitled to black lung benefits?

The Black Lung Benefits Act provides monthly benefits to eligible surviving family members of coal miners whose deaths were due to black lung disease, or “pneumoconiosis.” The Act also provides monthly benefits to survivors of miners who were entitled to benefits based on their own lifetime claims.

Can you get disability for black lung?

The Black Lung Benefits Act provides monthly benefits to coal miners who are totally disabled by black lung disease caused by working in the coal mining industry. You may also receive additional benefits for family members who are dependent on you and for the cost of your own medical treatment.

What is the Black Lung program?

About Black Lung Program The Division of Coal Mine Workers’ Compensation, or Federal Black Lung Program, administers claims filed under the Black Lung Benefits Act. The Act also provides eligible miners with medical coverage for the treatment of lung diseases related to pneumoconiosis.

How much does black lung pay a month?

The basic black lung benefit is now $153.10 a month for a miner or widow and may rise to $306.10 if there are three or more dependents.

Can you work and draw black lung benefits?

If you’ve developed black lung disease as a result of your work mining coal—or you’re the surviving dependent of a miner who died from the condition—you may file a claim and get benefits through your state’s workers’ compensation system or a special federal black lung program.

How much does black lung pay per month?

Do you pay taxes on black lung benefits?

“Federal Black Lung Benefits Are Not Taxable.” Accessed Dec. 17, 2020.

Is black lung benefits taxable?

Do you pay taxes on Black Lung Benefits?

Who is eligible for “black lung” benefits?

The Black Lung Benefits Act provides monthly benefits to eligible surviving family members of coal miners whose deaths were due to black lung disease, or “pneumoconiosis.” The Act also provides monthly benefits to survivors of miners who were entitled to benefits based on their own lifetime claims. In either case, you may receive additional benefits for family members who are dependent on you.

What causes black lung?

Causes Black lung disease is considered a job-related illness. You get it when you inhale coal dust over a long period of time. Because it mainly affects coal miners, it’s also known as coal workers’ pneumoconiosis ( CWP ).

Are black lung benefits taxable?

Federal Black Lung Benefits Are Not Taxable. The Division of Coal Mine Workers’ Compensation (DCMWC) does not issue any type of tax documentation concerning the benefits it pays. This is because, by statute, all Federal Black Lung benefits, whether Part B or Part C, are not taxable income.

What does black lung disease mean?

Black Lung Disease. Definition. Black lung disease is the common name for coal workers’ pneumoconiosis (CWP) or anthracosis , a lung disease of older workers in the coal industry, caused by inhalation, over many years, of small amounts of coal dust.

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