Why did COC remove chat?

Why did COC remove chat?

Well, this is why it was removed. According to Supercell, they did not have any great recruitment method and Global Chat was a great way to do it. They were unwilling to remove it because of this. Sadly, there were many incidents on Global Chat that were highly offensive and inappropriate.

Can you chat on COC?

You can now chat privately with your friend . No,this feature is not available in coc currently. You can send messages in clan chat section which every clanmate can see. But if you are a co-leader or a leader then u can send a message in the inbox section of the clan .

Is there global chat in COC?

Clash of Clans will be removing Global Chat in an October 2019 update, according to a post on the game’s subreddit. With an improved way for players to find Clans, the Global Chat niche is about to be filled. There’s no need for an endless chasm that requires constant moderation anymore.

Can we chat in supercell ID?

To activate the chat function you must join a Task Force first. Once you are in a Task Force – a little button with a speech bubble will appear on the right side of your screen. Tap it to see the chat window. In order to enter your message, tap into the white box in the bottom and the keyboard will appear.

How do you chat in Clash of Clans?

anyone? go to the chat. click on a person and “report” will appear. just click it.

Is Clash of Clans being removed?

Rest assured, it seems as though the shutting down claims are merely rumours. The game is still on the app store and the Clash of Clans social media accounts have not given any indication that the game will be removed come 2022. Likewise, game developing company Supercell also haven’t mentioned a shut down.

How do you communicate with supercell?

Please send an email to [email protected] or contact us directly through in-game support by going to Settings > Help & Support and then tap “Contact Us” in the upper right hand corner.

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