Why do I get headaches after I workout?

Why do I get headaches after I workout?

When you exercise, or exert yourself physically, the muscles of the head, neck, and scalp need more blood to circulate. This causes the blood vessels to dilate, which can lead to a condition called exertional headaches.

How do you avoid getting a headache after working out?

Your Key to Avoiding Headaches After Exercise

  1. Warm up and cool down. Easing into your work out can help prevent headaches.
  2. Stay hydrated. Your body is 60 percent water, so you need to replenish fluids you lose through sweat.
  3. Add electrolytes.
  4. Watch your blood sugar.
  5. Prepare for the conditions.

How do you get rid of a workout headache?


  1. Indomethacin (Indocin, Tivorbex), an anti-inflammatory drug, is commonly prescribed.
  2. Propranolol (Inderal, Innopran XL), a blood pressure medication, also is used to prevent exercise headaches.

Do exertion headaches go away?

An exertion headache (also known as exercise headaches) involves pain during or immediately after physical activity. It comes on quickly and goes away in a few minutes or hours, but can last as long as a couple of days. But there’s usually no underlying disease or disorder.

When I run I feel pressure in my head?

An exertional headache is one that’s triggered by some type of physical activity. This can be anything from a coughing fit to a strenuous workout. You might feel it come on during or after your run. People often describe exertional headaches as a pulsating pain on both sides of the head.

Does high blood pressure cause headaches after exercise?

The first, primary exertional headaches (also called benign exertional headaches), have no obvious cause, though doctors believe physical activity can dilate blood vessels in the brain, translating to pain. Another possibility is that elevated blood pressure due to strenuous exercise can cause a headache or migraine.

Is it normal to get a headache after running?

Being dehydrated is the main cause of a headache after running. As you are running, you are losing water while you sweat, and you may not be drinking fluids throughout your run. When your body is losing more water than it is taking in, the blood flow to your brain decreases, which in turn can lead to headaches.

Why do I get headaches after exercise?

If a drop in blood sugar levels during exercise is causing the headache, eating a snack or small meal after exercising may help the sugar levels return to normal and treat the headache. If people are experiencing headaches after exercising with no underlying condition, then the following steps may help prevent a headache from developing:

What is an exertional headache and what causes it?

There is a an increase in blood volume in the blood vessels and this can lead to an exertional headache, or exercise-induced headache. If you often engage in strenuous, prolonged activity, you’re more likely to get these headaches.

What are the symptoms of secondary exercise headaches?

Secondary exercise headaches. These headaches may cause: The same symptoms as primary exercise headaches. Vomiting. Loss of consciousness. Double vision.

Why do I get a headache every time I go outside?

You’ve spent too much time in the sun Sun exposure can be a trigger for headaches in a lot of people, even when they aren’t exercising. This is especially true if it’s hot out. If you’ve been exercising outside in the sun and develop a headache, head inside if you can.

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