Why is the LCAP important?

Why is the LCAP important?

The LCAP is a tool for local educational agencies to set goals, plan actions, and leverage resources to meet those goals to improve student outcomes.

How are the LCFF and LCAP related?

The accountability for the LCFF funds lies in the Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP). All School Districts are required to produce an LCAP, demonstrating how the LCFF funds are linked to meeting the needs of all students. Parent, student, and public input is used in developing and refining the plan annually.

What is the local control funding formula?

The Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) is hallmark legislation that fundamentally changed how all local educational agencies (LEAs) in the state are funded, how they are measured for results, and the services and supports they receive to allow all students to succeed to their greatest potential.

How is the lcff funded?

LCFF funding is allocated through the Principal Apportionment and is funded through a combination of local property taxes and state funding from the State School Fund and Education Protection Account. For information on other components of the LCFF including accountability and system of support refer to the Local Control Funding Formula web page.

How does the lcff work for school districts?

For school districts and charter schools, the LCFF establishes uniform grade span grants in place of the myriad of previously existing K–12 funding streams, including revenue limits, general purpose block grants, and most state categorical programs (see School District and Charter School LCFF Entitlement below).

What is the lcff priorities/whole child resource map?

The LCFF Priorities/Whole Child Resource Map provides LCFF priorities and whole child resources and supports to help local educational agencies, schools, and families serve the needs of California’s diverse student population.

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