What is the name of the Peanuts piano song?

What is the name of the Peanuts piano song? Linus and Lucy “Linus and Lucy” is a popular instrumental jazz standard written by American jazz pianist Vince Guaraldi, appearing in many Peanuts animated specials. Named for the two fictional siblings Linus and Lucy van Pelt, it was originally released on Guaraldi’s album Jazz Impressions of […]

What bitrate are iTunes downloads?

What bitrate are iTunes downloads? All iTunes store music is downloaded in 256 kbps, that can’t be changed. How do I change the download quality on Apple music? Go to Settings > Music. Tap Audio Quality. Tap Lossless Audio to turn it on or off. From here, you can choose the audio quality for streaming […]

What does ponytail do to your hair?

What does ponytail do to your hair? High ponytails are the worst offenders for causing hair breakage and stress, especially if they’re pulled tightly. If you need to have your hair up regularly and can’t get away with a few ‘down days’, try to switch between high ponytails and low, loose styles. What is the […]

What type of rock is Miocene?

What type of rock is Miocene? pelitic sedimentary rocks The main components of the Miocene pelitic sedimentary rocks are carbonate minerals, clay minerals, together with ubiquitous quartz. What lived on Earth 20 million years ago? Life during the Miocene Epoch was mostly supported by the two newly formed biomes, kelp forests and grasslands. Grasslands allow […]

What is an environmental externality?

What is an environmental externality? Environmental externalities refer to the economic concept of uncompensated environmental effects of production and consumption that affect consumer utility and enterprise cost outside the market mechanism. What is an example of an environmental externality? Externalities by nature are generally environmental, such as natural resources or public health. For example, a […]

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