
How to make a short film

Comment réaliser un court-métrage

Hello to all

I stumbled the other day on a rather original title : “I want to make a short film.” This poster designed by Canal+ tells the story of the route (more or less true) that it must perform to complete a short film.

Obviously, the document has been simplified and do a shoot of short film is more complex than that.

What you must remember :

  • The main funding of a short-are the pre-purchase of a television channel, the CNC, the support of the regions (attention, these funds are much more difficult to have that the document does not seem to allow it to appear);
  • The stages of pre-production are very important;
  • A short film, it’s a job;
  • As Canal+ is definitely one of the great actors of French cinema (if not the largest).

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How to make a short film

In the end, this document, although far from being completely realistic, shows that to realize a short film is not easy and that it requires organization and preparation. In short, it is a long way.


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