
The step by step plan of your note of intent, Part II

Le plan étape par étape de votre note d’intention Partie II

Write the statement of Intent Part 2


write your note of intent here is the continuation and the end of the plan that we have started :

Now, it will be necessary to involve the reader (producer) and future spectators in your story.

In 10 lines, explain why the central theme of your scenario is unifying. If you write a story of love, take concrete examples of your scenario, talk about dating, destiny, breaks, etc…NOT the PHILOSOPHY OF the BOTTOM FLOORS PLEASE ;o)

If you write a movie about a kidnapping, talk of the dark, of fear, of hope, of family, of children, etc….

Talk about the theme of your film extending to the feelings, values, in which everyone (or almost) can be recognized. The identification and/or universality are important.

In the next 25 lines, present your (your) character(s) principal (aux), the relationships they have with each other etc..

Who they are, what they convey, why they are going to change and how.

ATTENTION you do not need to explain what the player needs to understand to playing your scenario !! Not only does this mean that your scenario is not so well written as this, but it might put off the reader (producer).


Here, in a dozen lines, talk about the pleasure that you have taken to write this story, of your influences.

You can cite some directors or films that inspire you. It is important that these references are of the same kind as your scenario. This can help to get a better idea of what you have in mind.

If you want to carry your story, you must also speak of the realization, in the broader sense ! Don’t go too much into details, this is not a cutting technique !!!! Talk about the universe, the image…de the color of your film. Try to drop a word on how you see the direction of the actors.

Take 5 lines to talk about the casting, if you have an idea…and I am sure that yes. If you’re writing a buddy movie, lean on the duo, how you see it, what types of actors etc…

What they need to convey at first glance…

In two lines, take a break and invite the reader (producer) to continue reading through the scenario.

Good read,

(You can optionally put a citation if it summarizes well the spirit of your scenario)

Your name

The plan of your notice of intent

Here is the plan, once again I give you tracks. This is not the holy GRAIL ! ;o)

I come back on the quantity to produce, you can do more or less than the number of lines that I just have to tell you but WARNING DO NOT MAKE LESS than ONE PAGE AND NO MORE THAN TWO !

As you know, in another life, I received training in sales. One of the rules that one learns first is not to denigrate the material competitor or hardware that customer has purchased (and that is less good than yours ;o) ). For producers, it is the same thing, do not go to the other films to sell yours.

Example : The last Indiana Jones has suffered a lot of a part of the cast, fortunately that will not happen with my film…etc…Or what is produced at this time is not really terrible, whereas my scenario is of a much higher quality etc…

Finally, the best advice I can give you to complete your notice of intent is to : STAY HUMBLE !

Good, now you know what is a notice of intent and you have the weapons necessary for you to stick to it ! I remain at your disposal if you have any questions or if you want I’ll take a look.

If you have already directed short-films, documentaries, clips, you can also attach a small note on your background in film. The themes you like to address, the genre or genres that you defend.

Good Luck,

Tom Weil

Category: Uncategorized

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