Cinema, passion…what brings us together

Cinéma, passion…ce qui nous rassemble

Believe… and never give up !

The end of the month of August has a bitter taste… I don’t know if this is really the right expression… What I mean is that by the end of the month of August I am sad.

Last Sunday, while the weekend ended quietly, I looked at my laptop and I noticed two missed calls. I didn’t know the number and I realized that this person mystery had left me a message.

I decided to listen to it because the two calls were fairly close together. I told myself that maybe it was an emergency. The message, left by a woman who presents herself as the wife of one of my first students scenarios, Christophe, asks me to call her back.

I decided to do it immediately, and she informs me that Christophe died of the causes of a disease against which he fought. For those who follow the blog, for a time, it was under the pseudonym : Captaintof.

I decided to tell you about it because when I wanted to do this blog I didn’t know how far this adventure would take me.

I realized over the weeks, months and years that links were created between us… in any case with some of you.

Christophe had decided to integrate one of my courses because he dreamed, since childhood, to make movies… but in life, this dream had been postponed year by year. The training was for him the starting point to get the basics right and the key to finally live his passion.

The training scenario was completed for several months but we stayed in contact by mail, by phone or by skype on a fairly regular basis, because Christopher was very much involved. He had made progress crazy. His stories had more body, they were structured and it was this desire burning to get there.

We were a bit distant, for some time, because of my activities, of his own… He had told me that he had a touch with a producer… I thought that his silence was due to the start of his career as a screenwriter.

I had planned, to back, to resume contact with him… to tell him about his scenario, tracks that I had for him because one of his stories interested me. I believed in him, in his talent… I had the same pitché his script to a producer who had liked and wanted to learn more. But before you send the treatment there was still a need to rewrite a little…

For the little that I knew Christophe was a super guy. We have had long discussions on the cinémhas, on its stories, its characters etc…

The important thing is to believe and Christophe believed in it !

And I would add : ” And give themselves the means “. We all have dreams. We all aspire to be better… but often, few of us take action. Few of us give the means to get there. You will have understood, I’m not talking about financial means, but to enforce a decision that we have taken and stick to it.

We all have dreams… but few realize it. We always have good excuses :

  • The age
  • The lack of money
  • This is not the right time
  • Etc…

It still lacks something… and we don’t.

But you might what ? At the bottom ? Frankly ?

You think your life will be turned upside down overnight because you want to make cinema? Being a writer, director, actor ?

No, there is little chance that it happens like that! Or you’re afraid you may fail ?!

Often the fear of failure makes us procrastinate our projects. But if you fail what will happen ? You will be disappointed ?! Yes may be… surely ! But is it not better to be disappointed than frustrated not to ever be launched ?!!!

And once again, you risk nothing because your life is not going to be turned upside down overnight. You’ll start walking towards your goal, that’s all.

A walk of 200 miles starts with one step, what are you waiting for ?

To finish : you are thousands to come here every day. It is difficult to get to know you all. I always put a point of honor to reply to each comment, whether you’re 12 years old or 80 years old, because I know it is frustrating and tiring not to be listened to, not to be taken seriously… or simply not to find this damn answer to the question that you ask yourself for days !

I’ve already done, but I would like to redo it here, now : I thank you all for this fabulous adventure that you make me live through this blog. Thank you also to all those who follow my training and who trust me.

I am going to make sure to break down the barriers of the net to be able to meet around an event. For a moment, especially for the users of the blog…

This moment was not there to learn things but just to share a moment, talk about cinema, of you, of your passion, around a glass…

I dedicate this article, a little special, to Christophe and his family.

I will tell you next week. Leave a comment, a word, a thought if you want.

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