[critical] The Prodigies

Brilliant scientist at the top of the Foundation Killian for gifted children, very much in love with his wife Ann, Jimbo has only one goal : to find other prodigies like him. He imagined an online game of extreme complexity and ends up finding five teens that he decided to meet in New York.

Author’s Note


Release Date : June 8, 2011

Directed by Antoine Charreyron

Film French , british , belgian , canadian , luxembourg

Duration : 1 h 27 min

Trailer :

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Few animated films in France, which is more ambitious, more reason to be interested in it. It is the work of the studio Onyx, already responsible for the Renaissance… and suffers from the same ills : animation, original, and successful, spectacular staging but scenario rather thin.

A great big pop-corn movie in the u.s., finally, which was well-retained throughout the manual the marketing shown : address to a young public, or even ado (the tranche 15-25 doing the bulk of the entries cine), but possibly older if affinities geek (the frame is centered on a video game), eyeing the references of the genre (Matrix in this case, with the bullet-time and the parallel universe, on a white background), do the spectacular at any price (the parallel universe mentioned above is unnecessarily bloated), all in 3D, synonymous today of a greater number of entries and ticket more expensive. Do not forget the product placement always profitable : in the first minute of the hero to the age of adulthood (whose voice is played by Mathieu Kassovitz, which is becoming more and more like a voice-over staple, like André Dussolier… but for the young), one sees that out his smartphone S**y, and then walk in asking her sneakers P**a “just” in front of the camera ” before you start the car A**i (not investment here fuck !… at least not prior to the receipt of cheques).

It is almost at the same point at the end as at the beginning and if he wants to respond to what could be a franchise with big potential, the studio should invest in the pole scenario. The style is there, to him, is already a lot for an animated film.

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