[critical] Wall Street : Money Never Sleeps

Wall Street, New York city : in the stock market crash of 2008, a young trader, Jacob Moore, is ready to do anything to avenge his mentor, that obscure dealings financial pushed him to commit suicide. He asks for help to Gordon Gekko, the best – and worst – of the gurus of finance, which has just come out of 20 years in prison for insider trading. Jacob will learn the hard way that Gekko is still a master of manipulation, and that money never sleeps.

Author’s Note


Release Date : September 29, 2010

Directed by Oliver Stone

Film american

With Michael Douglas, Shia LaBeouf, Josh Brolin

Duration : 2h16min

Original title : Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps

Trailer :

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Alexander is far and away the best film ofOliver Stone. It is the most personal, the most philosophical and the most animal of its work. In many ways, it is one of the film’s most couillus of this flat decade. Therefore, one of the most beaten. The bruises are still visible on the skin of the artist, the filmmaker who was once a hot head. Wall Street is one big bruise.

Young romantic of finance, Jake Moore reconciles his passion for the stock market speculation and his activism in favor of a cleaner world, turned to alternative energies. He goes out with Winnie Gekko, the daughter of the famous wren of Wall Street, just out of prison for financial crime.

As time passes, and that the prospects for the revelation of the company of the bargain, Jake will be increasingly difficult to impose its ethics and keep in the good graces of Winnie, leftist inveterate, bruised by the interests corrupt of his father.

It is recognized fast enough in Oliver Stone’s taste for the dramatic, even defining himself as a dramatist. It seeks to endow his characters with the complexity shakespearean who can make them unforgettable. The problem is that he sacrifices himself to the mode of a pace narrative disheveled, wheeling and counter-productive.

Has this mode of “quickly, quickly, quickly !” adds to the banter boring traders and the display routine of their transactions endless. Rather than develop the humanity of his characters, and Stone, which however doesn’t hesitate to match the intimate life of Michael Douglas to that of Gordon Gekko, going on a crazy amount of time to dissect the workings of the machinery ruthless named Wall Street. This pedagogical exercise is moving away from the mission of the dramatist. It is the mission of the investigative journalist.

The film is sad. The plans on the skyscrapers of New York are sad. Even the poster is a sad replica of the one of The Devil’s advocate. The inventive Polish industry from the view of cinema is not passed through it. It is in the torpor without judgment. Among the “name” actors, only Shia LaBeouf the apprentice gives the impression of wanting to kick ass to this gloomy funeral. The message of the Stone is clear : money is boring. Why give him such a high importance ? Message promising which unfortunately is not followed in practice by a good shake, animal, therapeutic, sensual. The film is cold and only cold, it was not the exuberance of the vital that was Alexander. This is a documentary of a cold.

It is hoped thatOliver Stone will of the beatings he has taken in 2005 for his exploration of the Ancient times.

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