Crohn’s Disease, this is not cinema !

Crohn’s disease, it means nothing to you ? However, 85 000 people would be affected by this pathology in France. To overcome this, an awareness campaign has now been held in France…

This campaign aims to de-stigmatize the disease. The patient should not be afraid to talk to his relatives and especially his doctor. Only the consultation allows for early diagnosis, thereby reducing the risk of subsequent complications.

Two small comic movies have been made in the framework of this campaign called “The disease of Crohn’s, this is not cinema !”, a parody of Romeo & Juliet and the other Scream. The message is clear : “Don’t laugh, it could happen to you”.

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Crohn’s disease is a Chronic Inflammatory Disease of the Intestine (IBD). Little known to the general public, it affects however, in France, about 1 person out of 1 000. Its symptoms begin to appear between 20 and 30 years. They are characterized by chronic diarrhea, abdominal cramps, weight loss, fever, and in some cases rectal bleeding.

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Beyond these clips, the site gives the last word to an expert during a live chat on the 1st Tuesday of each month. The next meetings are July 7, around the theme of “Environment and Crohn’s Disease” with dr. Franck Carbonnel, and September 1, “Smoking and Crohn’s disease” with dr. Jacques Cosnes.

There is currently no curative treatment, however, doctors have available to them medicines that allow patients to regain a normal life. So if you have symptoms suggestive of Crohn’s disease, please do not hesitate to consult your doctor.

Source : press Release June 2009 / Doctissimo

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