How can cell organelles compared to a city?

How can cell organelles compared to a city?

Like the organs in your own body, each one carries out a specific function necessary for the cell to survive. Imagine the cells as a miniature city. The organelles might represent companies, places, or parts of the city because they each have similar jobs.

What organelle would be compared to a factory in a city?

The nucleus controls all cell activity and determines what proteins are made and stored. Which cell organelle is like the factory floor? The cytoplasm is like the factory floor, where products are assembled, finished, and shipped.

What is the Golgi apparatus like in a city?

Cell Organelles City Analogies
Golgi Bodies Post Office or UPS
Chloroplasts Solar Energy Plants
Nuclear Membrane City Hall Fence with security guard
Mitochondria Energy Plants

How is a cell like a city analogy?

The Cell Membrane is like a City border because it controls what goes in and out of the city. The jellylike area between the nucleus and the cell membrane is called the cytoplasm. It helps organelles move throughout the cell. The Cytoplasm is like a road system, because it allows for movement throughout the city.

What part of a city is like the chloroplast?

City Part Function Cell Part
Warehouse Stores materials needed by the city -Vacuole
Power Company Produces energy for the city -Mitochondria
Solar Power Plant Uses the sun’s energy to produce power for the city -Chloroplast
Customization Shop Changes and puts the finishing touches on vehicles. Golgi Apparatus

What is the mitochondria like in a city?

The Mitochondria is like a power plant because it provides power to the different cell parts and systems, making cell possible much like how a power plant powers the city. It helps organelles move throughout the cell. The Cytoplasm is like a road system, because it allows for movement throughout the city.

What would smooth ER be in a city?

Both the smooth and rough endoplasmic reticulum would be the various highways and roads in cell city. Smooth ER stores ions for later use and calcium for detoxifying substances. They can be similar to roads and highways in cities because vehicles are used to move things and people throughout the city.

What would ribosome be in a city?

The ribosomes would be would be the numerous factories of cell city. In cells they have the important role of synthesizing protein.

What would the cytosol be in a city?

Why is a cell’s cytosol similar to a city’s streets? The cytosol is a complex mixture of water, various ions, small molecules and proteins. Some proteins have a definite structure and are arranged to form a type of scaffolding, which can change shape as required.

How many organelles are in a city structure?

Below are some suggested analogies for city structures. It would be wise to discuss the definition of an analogy with the class. Eighteen organelles are provided. If your class is larger that 36 students, you can combine teams or use additional organelles.

What are organelles and what do they do?

Floating around in the cytoplasm are small structures called organelles. Like the organs in your own body, each one carries out a specific function necessary for the cell to survive. Imagine the cells as a miniature city. The organelles might represent companies, places, or parts of the city because they each have similar jobs.

How many organelles are there in the team page?

The Team Page and the Activity Page can be done separately if time is limited. This project could be done anytime during your study of the cell. Below are some suggested analogies for city structures. It would be wise to discuss the definition of an analogy with the class. Eighteen organelles are provided.

How many organelles do I need for my class?

Eighteen organelles are provided. If your class is larger that 36 students, you can combine teams or use additional organelles. Enrichment activity:Have the students design a giant cell mural on your wall or white/ black board using their organelle/city drawings.

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