How do you check if a ResultSet is empty?

How do you check if a ResultSet is empty?

The JDBC ResultSet doesn’t provide any isEmpty(), length() or size() method to check if its empty or not. Hence, when a Java programmer needs to determine if ResultSet is empty or not, it just calls the next() method and if next() returns false it means ResultSet is empty.

How can you tell if a record is last ResultSet?

The isAfterLast() method of the ResultSet interface is used to determine whether the cursor is on the last row of the ResultSet. rs. isLast(); This method returns an boolean this value is true, if the cursor is on the last row of the ResultSet else, it returns false.

How do you find the ResultSet?

Assuming you are working with a newly returned ResultSet whose cursor is pointing before the first row, an easier way to check this is to just call isBeforeFirst() . This avoids having to back-track if the data is to be read.

Which packages contain the JDBC classes?

Which packages contain the JDBC classes

  • java.jdbc and javax.jdbc.
  • java.jdbc and java.jdbc.sql.
  • java.sql and javax.sql.
  • java.rdb and javax.rdb.

How do you know if a resultset contains more rows?

This method returns a boolean value specifying whether the ResultSet object contains more rows. If there are no rows next to its current position this method returns false, else it returns true. Using this method in the while loop you can iterate the contents of the result set.

How to process more than one row in a result set?

If there is more than one row and you want to process that data, you’ll need to either cache the stuff from the first row, or use a scrollable result set so you can seek back to the top before going through the results.

How do you use resultset in a while loop?

A ResultSet object maintains a cursor pointing to its current row of data. Initially the cursor is positioned before the first row. The next method moves the cursor to the next row, and because it returns false when there are no more rows in the ResultSet object, it can be used in a while loop to iterate through the result set.

How to number all the records in the result set?

This means that we want to number all the records in the result set using just one sequence of numbers, assigning numbers to records without any order. This is the simplest way to use the ROW_NUMBER () function: However, there are other ways to use ROW_NUMBER ().

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