What destroyed crops?

What destroyed crops?

Answer: Lencho’s crops were completely destroyed by the hailstones. He feared that he and his family would go hungry. He had no one to help but he had full faith in God whose eyes see everything.

What is crop damage?

Crop damage from pathogens and pests is a worldwide problem. Agriculture crop productivity has been severely affected by various pests. The excessive use of chemicals in agriculture has led to a multitude of effects, including increased residues in plants, insect resistance, and contamination of soil, water, and air.

How crops are ruined?

Crop destruction is the deliberate destruction of crops or agricultural products to render it useless for consumption or processing. It can be made by burning, grinding, dumping into water, or application of chemicals. Also, illegal crops, such as opium and cannabis, can be destroyed by law enforcement.

What is destruction of agriculture?

Introduction. Crop destruction and disease transmission by insects have a remarkable impact on human economy and health. Nearly 20% of the annual crop production is destroyed by insects (Oerke and Dehne, 2004), and about the same percentage of loss is registered for stored food grains (Bergvinson and Garcia-Lara, 2004) …

What destroyed the crop answer?

Answer: The hail and hailstones rained on the valley for an hour. It had left the field totally covered with snow. The crop was completely destroyed.

What destroyed the crop of Lencho?

the hailstorm
Ans. Lencho’s crops were completely destroyed by the hailstorm.

What can destroy crop quality?

Insects, plant disease, nematodes, rodents, weeds, and air pollution are among the many enemies that can reduce crop yields and deny man the use of some of his farm-stored crops. Insects, for example, can destroy a crop in a relatively short time.

What is not damaged crops?

Answer: Manure does not damage the crops on the contrary they provide essential nutrients to the growing crop.

What destroyed the crops of Lencho?

Which insect destroy crops?

When millions of locusts descend on a crop, they destroy everything. The desert locust is considered the most destructive migratory pest in the world and a single swarm covering one square kilometre can contain up to 80 million locusts.

What destroyed the crop Class 10?

What destroyed the crop Brainly?

Lencho’s crops were destroyed by the hailstorm. There was a storm and this was followed by the hailstorms that destroyed the field and the crops.

Why are American farmers destroying crops?

As the coronavirus pandemic disrupts supply chains, American farmers are dumping milk, throwing out eggs and plowing under healthy crops. Produce suppliers are especially vulnerable to surpluses because fruits and vegetables are perishable and can’t be stored.

Is government paying farmers to burn crops?

The U.S. government is paying farmers to destroy crops in order to create a food shortage.

What is a crop destroying insect?

Insects which destroy crops include aphids, white flies, termites, rice weevils, mealy bugs and many other kinds. The consequences of this destruction are very serious, and include the introduction of diseases to the crops.

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