What is clitellum short answer?

What is clitellum short answer?

Definition of clitellum : a thickened glandular section of the body wall of some annelids that secretes a viscid sac in which the eggs are deposited.

Where is the clitellum on an earthworm?

About one third of the way down the earthworm (from the head) is the clitellum (see figure 1). The clitellum is a swelling of the skin and can only be seen in earthworms that are ready to reproduce. It may be white, orange-red or reddish-brown in colour. Earthworms are ready to mate when their clitellum is orange.

Do all earthworms have clitellum?

The clitellum is only found on adult worms. Young or juvenile worms do not have a clitellum. The clitellum of each species of earthworm has a distinct colour, size, and shape. Another key structure found on the clitellum is the tubercula pubertatis.

What are the two main functions of the clitellum in an earthworm?

The clitellum is part of the reproductive system of earthworm. It also secretes a viscous fluid to form a cocoon for it’s eggs. In earthworms the clitellum can only be seen when the worm is sexually mature.

What is the bump on an earthworm?

The bump is the clitellum, the saddle shaped swollen area 1/3 of the way back containing the gland cells which secrete a slimy material (mucus) to form the cocoon which will hold the worm embryos.

What is the purpose of excretory openings in earthworms?

Excretory System of Earthworms Earthworms use diffusion to excrete carbon dioxide through their skin. For the nitrogenous wastes, the excretory system of earthworms contains specialized organs known as nephridia.

What is the function of the Clitellum?

animal reproduction Sexually mature oligochaetes have a clitellum, which is a modification of a section of the body wall consisting of a glandular, saddlelike thickening near the gonopores. During copulation, the clitellum secretes a mucus that keeps the worms paired while sperm are being exchanged.

What is the excretory structure in earthworm?

Earthworms (annelids) have slightly more evolved excretory structures called nephridia, illustrated in Figure 2b. A pair of nephridia is present on each segment of the earthworm. They are similar to flame cells in that they have a tubule with cilia. Excretion occurs through a pore called the nephridiopore.

Do lobsters feel pain when cut in half?

Lobsters may feel even more pain than we would in similar situations. According to invertebrate zoologist Jaren G. Horsley, “The lobster does not have an autonomic nervous system that puts it into a state of shock when it is harmed. It probably feels itself being cut. …

What are the excretory organs in earthworm and cockroach?

Malpighian tubules constitute the excretory organs of cockroach and other insects. Nephridia are the most generally found excretory organs in earthworms.

What is the function of coelom in an earthworm?

, works at Spinoff IT Annelids have 3 sets of muscles that are used to contract and elongate the body. Annelid worms are excellent examples of a hydrostatic skeleton in the form of a coelom in action. The coelem of the earthworm is the fluid inside the body cavity, which acts as a hydrostatic skeleton.

What is the function of the clitellum in a worm?

Clitellum. The clitellum is a thickened glandular and non-segmented section of the body wall near the head in earthworms and leeches, that secretes a viscid sac in which the eggs are deposited. It is located near the anterior end of the body (around the 14th, 15th and 16th 17th segments). Its main function is to store the eggs of the worm.

Do earthworms give live birth?

When adult male and female worms are present, mating begins to occur. Heartworms do not lay eggs like other worm parasites; instead they give live birth and the baby worms are called Microfilariae. Mosquitoes are the only natural carriers of the heartworm.

What is the reproductive system of an earthworm?

Reproductive System. An earthworms needs to mate with another worm to produce eggs, but they don’t have to look for a specific gender. Most earthworms are hermaphrodites, which means they carry both male and female reproductive organs. To mate, the earthworms basically exchange sperm. Then, each earthworm lays eggs fertilized by the other’s sperm.

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