What is path following robot?

What is path following robot?

It is basically a robot which follows a particular path or trajectory and decides its own course of action which interacts with obstacle. The path can be a black line on the white floor (visible) or a magnetic field (invisible). Its applications start from basic domestic uses to industrial uses, etc.

Which algorithm is used in robotics?

Planning algorithms for teams of robots fall into two categories: centralized algorithms, in which a single computer makes decisions for the whole team, and decentralized algorithms, in which each robot makes its own decisions based on local observations.

What is path following algorithm?

The goal of path following is reducing the distance and orientation error between a robot and a geometric reference path. Difference between path following and trajectory tracking is made clear by Aguiar et al. in [1]. Many path following algorithms for wheeled mobile robots have already been developed.

How do line following robots work?

A line follower consists of an infrared light sensor and an infrared LED. It works by illuminating a surface with infrared light; the sensor then picks up the reflected infrared radiation and, based on its intensity, determines the reflectivity of the surface in question.

How is AI used in robots?

AI in robotics helps robots perform the crucial tasks with a human-like vision to detect or recognize the various objects. A huge amount of datasets is used to train the computer vision model, so that robotics can recognize the various objects and carry out the actions accordingly with right results.

What is the difference between path and trajectory?

There is an important distinction between a path and a trajectory. A path is a spatial construct and tells us how we get from A to B through the world. A trajectory is a path plus a schedule. It tells us how quickly we should move along the path, at what time we should be at what point along the path.

Which is the best path planning algorithm?

Dijkstra’s algorithm [14] is one of the most used path planning algorithms, it seeks a feasible path starting from an initial position, searching in every direction for the goal position. Using a grid map, the vehicle can implement Dijkstra to find the goal prior to any movement.

How many IR sensors at least are required for a line follower robot?

two sensors
To detect any line minimum two sensors are required [7]. Using these two sensor a robot can easily follow a straight line or simple wavy line.

How to create a path following controller for a robot?

Based on the path defined above and a robot motion model, you need a path following controller to drive the robot along the path. Create the path following controller using the controllerPurePursuit object. Use the path defined above to set the desired waypoints for the controller Set the path following controller parameters.

What is a desired path?

A desired path is a set of waypoints defined explicitly or computed using a path planner (refer to Path Planning in Environments of Different Complexity ). The Pure Pursuit path following controller for a simulated differential drive robot is created and computes the control commands to follow a given path.

What are the inputs to the kinematic equations for this robot?

The simulated robot has kinematic equations for the motion of a two-wheeled differential drive robot. The inputs to this simulated robot are linear and angular velocities.

What is the orientation of the robot?

Assume an initial robot orientation (the robot orientation is the angle between the robot heading and the positive X-axis, measured counterclockwise). Define the current pose for the robot [x y theta]

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