What is Timket celebration in Ethiopia?

What is Timket celebration in Ethiopia?

Timkat, which translates as ‘baptism’, celebrates the baptism of Jesus by John the Baptist in the River Jordan. Ethiopians embrace this annually with a mass baptism at different waterfronts or sacred pools around the country, the top spots being Lalibela, Gondar, and Addis Ababa.

What is Timket in Amharic?

Timket (Ge’ez: ጥምቀት) is an Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church and Eritrean Orthodox Tewahedo Church celebration of Epiphany. Timkat celebrates the baptism of Jesus in the River Jordan.

What is Ethiopia best known for?

Ethiopia is famous for being the place where the coffee bean originated. It is also known for its gold medalists and its rock-hewn churches. Ethiopia is the top honey and coffee producer in Africa and has the largest livestock population in Africa. The Rastafarian religion claims Ethiopia as its spiritual homeland.

What is Santa called in Ethiopia?

Santa Claus is a fairly recent visitor to Ethiopia, only being known about through ‘western’ Christmas traditions. In the Amharic language, Father Christmas or Santa Claus is called ‘Yágena Abãt’ which means ‘Christmas Father’.

What is the Timket Festival?

The annual Timket celebration is held across Ethiopia on Tir 11 E.C (January 19 G.C) with processions of priests carrying replicas of the Ark of Covenant, locally known as ‘Tabot’, escorted by thousands of believers.

What is the origin of the word ‘Timket’?

The word also denotes epiphany which is driven from the Greek word epiphaneia meaning “appearance”. The annual Timket celebration is held across Ethiopia on Tir 11 E.C (January 19 G.C) with processions of priests carrying replicas of the Ark of Covenant, locally known as ‘Tabot’, escorted by thousands of believers.

What is the significance of the inscription of timiket?

The inscription of Timiket raised the number of Ethiopia’s world intangible cultural heritages to four after Meskel, the Geda System and Fichee-chambalaalla, New Year festival of the Sidama people.

Should timiket festivity be added to UNESCO Representative List?

According to UNESCO, inscription of Timiket festivity on the Representative List could enhance the visibility of intangible cultural heritage and promote inter-cultural dialogue among the multi-ethnic population of Ethiopia and other communities globally. Timket is a Ge’ez word meaning “immersion in water” similar to the Baptism of Jesus Christ.

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