What pneumonia is PCP?

What pneumonia is PCP?

Pneumocystis pneumonia (PCP) is a serious infection caused by the fungus Pneumocystis jirovecii. Most people who get PCP have a medical condition that weakens their immune system, like HIV/AIDS, or take medicines (such as corticosteroids) that lower the body’s ability to fight germs and sickness.

What is PCP stain?

Pneumocystis carinii Pneumonia (PCP), Special Stain.

What is bronchial biopsy?

Definition. Bronchoscopy with transbronchial biopsy is a procedure in which a bronchoscope is inserted through the nose or mouth to collect several pieces of lung tissue. Alternative Names.

How long does it take to do a bronchial biopsy?

What you can expect. Bronchoscopy is usually done in a procedure room in a clinic or in a hospital operating room. The entire procedure, including prep and recovery time, typically takes about four hours. Bronchoscopy itself usually lasts about 30 to 60 minutes.

What is a hallmark finding on chest imaging for pneumocystis pneumonia?

The hallmark finding of PCP on HRCT scans is diffuse ground-glass opacity (GGO), which reflects the accumulation of intra-alveolar fibrin, debris, and organisms. The term ground-glass refers to parenchymal opacification, which does not obscure the underlying pulmonary architecture.

What is the prognosis of Pneumocystis pneumonia?

Pneumocystis pneumonia can be life threatening. It can cause respiratory failure that can lead to death. People with this condition need early and effective treatment. For moderate to severe pneumocystis pneumonia in people with HIV/AIDS, the short term use of corticosteroids has decreased the incidence of death.

What is the difference between bronchoscopy and biopsy?

Your doctor can use it to see inside the airways of your lungs. Bronchoscopy can be combined with a transbronchial lung biopsy, which is a procedure used to collect pieces of lung tissue. A lung biopsy allows your doctor to test for many kinds of diseases, including infections, benign tumors and polyps, and cancer.

How long do you stay in the hospital after a lung biopsy?

After your biopsy. You usually stay in hospital for 3 to 5 days. Or you might need a bit longer to recover than this.

Why HRCT test is done?

HRCT of the lungs can be applied to the diagnosis of both acute and more chronic diffuse diseases of the lung tissue and the airways. The best-known indications for HRCT include idiopathic interstitial pneumonias, such as idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis.

How common is PCP in bronchial biopsy?

Thirty cases of PCP were identified, and Grocott-stained bronchial wash/lavage specimens were positive in 29 instances (97%). Grocott staining of the transbronchial biopsy was positive for PCP in 18 of 22 specimens (82%).

What is a bronchoscopy with transbronchial biopsy for lung cancer?

Educating yourself about lung cancer: Bronchoscopy with transbronchial biopsy is a procedure in which a bronchoscope is inserted through the nose or mouth to collect several pieces of lung tissue.

What is the prevalence of pneumothorax in transbronchial biopsies?

Pneumothorax occurs in about 2% of transbronchial biopsies. Usually this is followed with repeated chest x-rays unless the pneumothorax is large enough to require insertion of a chest tube to decompress the lung.

How long does it take to recover from transbronchial biopsy?

When the anesthetic wears off, your throat may be scratchy for several days. After the test, your cough reflex will return in 1 to 2 hours, then normal eating and drinking is allowed. It is common after a transbronchial biopsy to cough up small amounts of blood-tinged sputum for a day.

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